Eating Healthy after Illness

Hi! So I have recently conquered a rather serious health issue, and have been off my medication for a couple weeks now (finally normal again!). A little about me:

I am 20 years old, my current weight is 175-180 fluctuating.

I am 5'6' and my measurements are 41-34-42.

My goal weight is 135, but have been 150 consistently throughout my highschool years.

I did drop to 145 during college (2011 clean eating no exercise, 2012 exercise bad eating).

I had a major change in 2013 which burdened my exercise and developed even worst eating habits (fast food, etc). Weight was 160.

My previous health illness started in Sept 2013, but took meds Jan 2014. Wwent from 160 to 180 (tried to lose weight, exercised, ate better, not great results).

Sept 2014 !! After two weeks of medication and health illness FREE, I am wanting to seriously clean up my bad eating habits, start drinking more water (I never do) and recognize my gluten allergy (and do something about it for once!).

I am starting September 15th with my lifestyle change, and have a game plan (no gluten/processed sugars and losing 1lb a week). One of question is this - I am going to an event on the same day I start my healthy eating, and will be leaving around 10AM-11AM in the morning. I figured I could get up and eat breakfast, eat some lunch and pack the rest for on the way, maybe bring some snacks that are in my diary plan while I am gone, possibly cook dinner ahead of time (instead of binge eating when I am at home and too tired to cook)....I do want to drink half my body weight in ounces of water, but I only have a 16 oz water bottle. Like I stated previously, I am not a big water drinker (but will be soon!) How do you maintain healthy water drinking throughout busy days? Find the nearest water fountain, starbucks, etc? I will be in the sun for a good 6 hours and wont be close to a water fountain. I feel like this is a pathetic question, but I figured to ask it. Thank you so much!!

Also - any comments or suggestions/encouragement/etc would be helpful about any info I gave you :)


  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    Good luck in your weight loss adventure, and I hope you are better from your illness. What I usually do with my water intake in busy days is one bottle early in the morning during breakfast, one bottle during the day, two bottles at the gym late afternoon, and between one and two bottles late at night. If you are going to be exposed to the sun, you should take extra water bottles or probably you can buy some bottles there. Good luck, and your cat looks adorable.