weight loss and me

At my high weight I was 335, started a liquid diet under my GP & my Weight Loss MD, I started the diet at 320.5 in the two weeks.
I have lost 14.5 lbs, I have cheated twice, but only with some shrimp, and then a steak 5oz, no carbs or sugars (my addiction)
I am on a 1200 calorie diet, The diet is pretty easy, but then I get cravings every one in a while for real food especially when watching football!

I was on 91 units of insulin a day and for the last 6 days I have been insulin free.
I have been heavy since I got out of the army in 1974.
My BP is 110/70

as of 7/30/2014 labs are as follows:
triglycerides are high
HDL is low
Cholesterol is high
I have 4 stents put in when I was 47 years old from a congenital artery blockages, so I take statins
I want to be med free, But I know that that wont happen. other conditions not weight related.

I appreciate any advice and support you can give me!
I know my current diet is not a long term solution (3-6 months)
I don't believe in willpower, but I do believe in commitment.

Food has always been LOVE, the social event with friends, Hagen Daas never rejected me :)

so, there is my intro, what say you,



  • Cheriesaurus
    Cheriesaurus Posts: 92 Member
    Good job on your weight loss so far and your journey to better health =) I'm on 1200 calories myself, low carb/sugar stops those annoying cravings!
