How long should a obease person work out?

Im heading to the gym and im obease and out of shape. Im thinking walking 3.0mph on the treadmill for 30 mins and 30 mins on the elipical. You think this is good for a fat person like me?


  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    You should do what your body allows you. Don't push yourself to death, or you will have injuries and burn out.
  • hoovified
    hoovified Posts: 46 Member
    In my opinion, any exercise is better than no exercise. Also, everyone is different. My sister who weighs a little more than me can walk for miles, I on the other hand feel like I am pushing myself to walk a half mile.
    You need to work up to getting in shape. You should also do things you enjoy. The elliptical, in my opinion, is very hard. I can do about 2 minutes on it and I feel like I'm ready to fall off of it lol! I can push myself longer, but I wouldn't do more than like 7-8 minutes because doing it for so long when I'm so out of shape would really hurt me. I am concentrating on my food intake right now but I plan on adding in exercise slowly. Starting with 2 minutes on the elliptical, and 20 on the stationary bike. Everyone is different though. You need to do what works for you!
  • GatorDeb1
    GatorDeb1 Posts: 245 Member
    I started with 15 mins on the elliptical every day. Gym was 5 minutes away which is why I chose that chain. Go in, 15 mins, get out.

    I hate walking. Always have. But I do love running so I do that now :bigsmile:
  • CoachChris78
    CoachChris78 Posts: 30 Member
    Im heading to the gym and im obease and out of shape. Im thinking walking 3.0mph on the treadmill for 30 mins and 30 mins on the elipical. You think this is good for a fat person like me?

    IF you are obese and out of shape start by lifting. You will be able to do far more and burn far more calories in the time you are there. Fit in some HIIT training at the end and you will make big gains and lose loads of weight

    If all you do is cardio you will be training your body to be more efficient with it's calories and that's the last thing you want right now.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    some obese people run marathons, others can barely get up the stairs. People can be obese and physically fit at the same time. And non-obese sedentary people are generally extremely unfit too, so not being obese doesn't automatically make you fit. And there's a big difference between someone who's a little bit obese and someone who's very morbidly obese. A high level of obesity makes it impossible to do some exercises. So the question is a bit like "how long is a piece of string?"

    Anyone who's unfit and starting a new exercise programme should take things gently to begin with, work out at enough intensity that you're out of breath and tired, but don't push yourself to the point that you puke or collapse or anything. You need to exercise regularly, and your level of fitness will improve over time, so long as you're working out regularly and pushing yourself enough that it's hard (but like I said you don't need to be puking, collapsing or dying or anything like that)

    It's generally recommended to see a doctor before starting an exercise programme if you've been unfit/sedentary for years, whether you're obese or not.