Lifting Weights and Boxing, not losing weight...



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Well for starters if you increase your exercise you should increase your food not the opposite.

    Oh my God, no. You are eating too much. Your body can't create energy out of air. Part of losing weight is overcoming this kind of thinking.


    Solid first post.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    It shows you lost 20 lbs. Since when did you lose that? Time frame? It took me about 5 months.
    What was your starting weight? I was fluctuating between 167 and 170.
    What was your starting weight when you switched up your workouts? 149
    What is your current weight today? I am fluctuating between 147 and 149.
    Have you dropped sizes in your clothes? If so, what are those numbers? Unfortunately not.
    How many calories are you actually eating and do you actually weigh and log all your food? I have not been logging or weighing my food, but I definitely don't go over. I eat mostly veggies and chicken, some milk and a cereal bar in the morning, sometimes I'll have pasta for dinner (I live in Italy, so at least once a week). Food here is very carb heavy but I try to take in as many veggies as I can instead of pasta or bread.

    Without logging or weighing your food, you really have no clue how much you're eating. You may be surprised how big servings actually are compared to what you think they are. Remember that weight loss is mostly about what you eat, not what you do in the gym.

    I recommend trying logging and weighing for a while to see what you are eating. Even if you are eating the correct amount of calories, you still want to know how you are doing on your macros. Protein is super important with all that weight lifting and boxing.

    However, PPs are right in that you are expecting way too much. The rate at which you are losing is perfect for the amount that you have to lose. Stop being in such a hurry. Slower loss will be more beneficial for you.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It shows you lost 20 lbs. Since when did you lose that? Time frame? It took me about 5 months.
    What was your starting weight? I was fluctuating between 167 and 170.
    What was your starting weight when you switched up your workouts? 149
    What is your current weight today? I am fluctuating between 147 and 149.
    Have you dropped sizes in your clothes? If so, what are those numbers? Unfortunately not.
    How many calories are you actually eating and do you actually weigh and log all your food? I have not been logging or weighing my food, but I definitely don't go over. I eat mostly veggies and chicken, some milk and a cereal bar in the morning, sometimes I'll have pasta for dinner (I live in Italy, so at least once a week). Food here is very carb heavy but I try to take in as many veggies as I can instead of pasta or bread.

    Without logging or weighing your food, you really have no clue how much you're eating. You may be surprised how big servings actually are compared to what you think they are. Remember that weight loss is mostly about what you eat, not what you do in the gym.

    I recommend trying logging and weighing for a while to see what you are eating. Even if you are eating the correct amount of calories, you still want to know how you are doing on your macros. Protein is super important with all that weight lifting and boxing.

    However, PPs are right in that you are expecting way too much. The rate at which you are losing is perfect for the amount that you have to lose. Stop being in such a hurry. Slower loss will be more beneficial for you.


    But also keep in mind OP, that heavy carb diets will come with water weight. When you eat a lot of carbs, you will store more glycogen/water.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Weight lifting and TRX will only help you lose weight if you have short rests (60 seconds or less) between sets, keeping your heart rate elevated. I'm doing boxing and really burning the fat off. Are you in a boxing class or doing it on your own?

    Be sure to calculate the amount of calories you need and end each day in a 300-500 calorie deficit. That is the only way you lose weight.



    Appropriate calorie deficit for weight loss, exercise for fitness.

    I took/take adequate rests of more than 60 seconds between sets, so I'm guessing I probably didn't do it wrong.

    OP, patience...SRS...

    Also...log your food...and weigh it, as well, otherwise you have no idea what your intake is.