Did you really just say that?

There is an advert on the radio at the moment for weight watchers and man is it annoying!! (Radio station gets turned over while it is on because its stupid).
Basically two women are having lunch together and it goes something like this:

Women One: "You can't eat those, your on a diet"
Women Two: " Yes I can"
Women One: "What chips?"
Women Two: " Yes, I can eat the things I want and still lose weight. With weight watchers ect ect ect

I had a bit of a "weight watchers advert" moment myself last night...

It was my Aunts 50th birthday party and we were having a great night. She has been diagnosed with cancer for the 3rd time in 5 years so I decided to throw caution to the wind and for one night only not worry about anything and have a bloody good time. (I did by the way, my head is filled with a cotton wool like substance, my stomach is objecting quite strongly and I have the overwheling urge to live looking at the bottom of the toilet lol).
Drink was flowing, buffet had just opened and there I was very merry and getting food.
My nan walked up to me and pointed at my plate (she practically had her finger in the food!!) and said... DEN DEN DERRRRR (Very dramatic music) "You can't eat that you will get fat, put it down and stick to salad".
I looked at her and said to her "Thanks nan but I think I will be ok for one night". to which the response I got was "Oh well, suit yourself but don't come crying to me"

Personally, I think I have come a long way emotionally over the last 9 months. Last year, a comment like that would have really upset me. Now it actually makes me laugh.
I find it funny for the following reasons:

1. I have never, ever gone crying to her about being fat. Even when I was at my biggest (That was a few years ago not not sure how heavy I was but I was a size 22 (UK) which I think is a 20 (US)). I lost a lot of weight before joining myfitnesspal and was a 16/18 (more towards the 18 end.

2. When I was 214.8lb (15st 4.8lb) nobody made any comments about what I was eating. But now I have lost 25.8lb (1st 11.8lb) down I am being told to step away from the chicken wings and vegetable samosas and stick to lettuce and celery.

3. The look on my fellas face was amazing. He was so gobsmacked that my nan could say something like that to me. See my nan is not slim either and at the time she had a plate with just cakes on it in her hands.
I can still see it and it makes me giggle to myself.

Has anyone else had people say things to you like that that have made you laugh.


  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    Oh that is quite funny, its good that you were able to stick to your guns and have fun and eat what you wanted to (despite the day after feeling). And well done on your weightloss.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Oh that is quite funny, its good that you were able to stick to your guns and have fun and eat what you wanted to (despite the day after feeling). And well done on your weightloss.

    Cant drink or eat like I used to lol
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Oh that is quite funny, its good that you were able to stick to your guns and have fun and eat what you wanted to (despite the day after feeling). And well done on your weightloss.

    Wrong side of 30 lol
  • ksolksol
    ksolksol Posts: 194 Member
    I'm glad you were able to see the humor in it because wow, so inappropriate. I think it was Miss Manners who said we'd all be better off if we concerned ourselves less with what other people are eating and drinking.

    I keep trying to think of snappy comebacks:

    "Why yes, I can." [pops goodie into mouth, chews slowly, making "mmmmmm" sounds]

    "Oh good. Someone called the food police. I was afraid this party was getting out of control."

    But then I tend to be a bit snarky. And I'm guessing I wouldn't have said anything snarky to a close family member at a family gathering. Around family, there is value in holding one's tongue, even strangling it if you have to. I also probably wouldn't have thought of it until afterwards.

    But again, I am glad you are at a place where you were able to laugh at it. What we do for diet/exercicse to improve our lives is a series of choices, not a straitjacket.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    Sometimes comments from family and friends can be very hurtful. It's like people don't think before they speak sometimes. My grandmom used to make comments like " stop eating or you won't find a good husband to marry you" (I was like 14 so it was very hurtful) and " wow you are getting bigger!" . One day I let her know how hurtful those comments where and that I needed her to stop mentioning my weight. But I felt like I shouldn't have even had to say that, she just should've known better. Anyway, just know that your Absolutely entitled to enjoy yourself at a party and should be very proud of your weight loss accomplishments. People sometimes don't realize how rude they are being when they say stuff like that, but if it continues I would let her know how you feel about it.
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    some people aren't born with a filter or just don't care. Glad you could find humor in the situation despite how inappropriate and hurtful the comment was. I would've been hurt if my family had made a comment like, sometimes people mean well but just say the wrong thing.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,932 Member
    I refuse to discuss diet and exercise with friends except under very limited circumstances. The loads of useless and unsolicited advice that result from those discussions give me a headache.
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    Just the other day I had a co-worker comment when I got peanut butter cups out of the vending machine. She is on Weight Watchers and has been forever, and is very health-conscious. We talk about weight a lot because we are both interested in staying healthy. We are also both at very healthy weights. She said "You're not supposed to have those!" when she saw my snack.
    I'm 5'4" and 124 pounds. I think I can have peanut butter cups every once in a while.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    It used to happen to me pretty often even though I didn't discuss weight loss (people notice when you start dropping sizes). TBH, I'd just look at them and make a motion like this:
    Or something similar. They either laugh or walk away in horror. Either way, I win.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    If it was me I would have made a comment something like how she should stop guarding the food, because we won't run out. I might bark at her and cover my plate too.