If you're serious about losing weight, read on.

Stop consuming refined carbohydrates. Stay away from white bread, white pasta and white rice. All they do is turn to sugar and then turn into fat in your body. Stay away from juices. If you want to drink juices, juice your own otherwise don't bother. They're comprised of mostly sugar. Stay away from alcohol, again sugar. Stay away from creamy sauces and dressings as they're very high in fats and especially saturated fats.

Read and understand labels and ingredients. Anything ending in ose is a sugar. Glucose, fructose, dextrose, et cetera. Syrups, malts and honey are also sugar substitutes. The further down the list sugar or sugar substitutes are listed in the ingredients the better. Try to avoid processed foods but if you must eat them then be sure to check, the sodium content, sugar content and fat content, look for those that are low in all of them.

Sugar = Fat.
Refined carbohydrates = Sugar = Fat

Get the picture?

If anyone has anything to add, please do.

The only exception to the sugar rule is real fruits. Those are good sugars. Consume those fresh or frozen(unsweetened only).