Had enough now - determined!

amehh91 Posts: 1,282 Member
Hi all,

I have never been small but I have finally had enough of my weight! I had problems with excessive dieting when I was younger as I got obsessed with the scales and since then I have avoided them - but it's not an excuse any more! Neither is "I've had a baby - he is 3 at Christmas! I can't keep hiding from the numbers and "just going by my clothes" I need the motivation of seeing numbers go down too!

I first decided on the 5:2 last week and fasted twice last week but in between I have discovered mfp and now I am thinking I'd rather stick with this! It is really refreshing (and sometimes shocking!) to see the amount of calories add up over the day. The days I have been inputting results I have been diligent and not gone over my limit at all (I have guessed my weight at the moment)

I am off on my first holiday with my son on 22nd for a week so I am just playing around with how the calories suit me etc and when I get back I am going to bite the bullet, buy some scales and weigh myself. Good news is I am already having smaller portions and not feeling so hungry so hopefully this will serve me well.

Anyway I just wanted to say hi as I'm sure I'll need the support and be on these forums a lot once I really get going :) and hopefully support others too!

Thanks for reading!

Amy x


  • amehh91
    amehh91 Posts: 1,282 Member
    P.s. Sorry if this is in the wrong place!
  • melissamarie2196
    melissamarie2196 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey..welcome and the support is here :) good for you and you can do this...:smooched: :smooched:
  • amehh91
    amehh91 Posts: 1,282 Member
    Thank you :) already feeling good after a low cal week - to be honest I'm surprised I have found it so good, when I have attempted dieting before I have felt awful and tired and grumpy but maybe I am in a better place emotionally and want to do it for the right reasons -to be here for my son for a long time to come and set a good example :)

    I am absolutely bricking it for weighing but it is still 2 weeks away so plenty of time to steel myself :)
  • bembo1980
    bembo1980 Posts: 28 Member

    I'm new to 'consistent tracking' - I've yo yo'd for best part of 10 years. Lost 3 stone after having my youngest (now 5) and have since put it back on (plus more :-( ). At 34 I feel I NEED to get this sorted once and for all. I'm 2 weeks in and 6lb down. We'll get there :-)
  • I felt the same way. This site helped so much because I'd never been a calorie counter. Using the food diary, I was able to make little changes that really helped me loose! A total of 45 pounds over 3 years, but I recently gained back about 7 with lots of poor food choices. So I am back again logging food and it feels great. I know that eventually, this will pay off. This is the first eating program by which I have successfully lost weight and kept it off.

    "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!" Proverbs 6:6 The ant moves ONE GRAIN OF SAND at a time, and are able to build their tunnel complexes. I seldom gave enough credit to one grain of sand... or one cookie.... or one gas station cappuccino. Nor to one peach... half of a yorgurt (HALF! what a concept)... or even half of a sausage biscuit with egg.

    So..... I'm getting back in the groove again, doing what has worked in the past. I know I can do this!
  • jimmye_25
    jimmye_25 Posts: 65 Member
    Check out my experiment!!!! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jimmye_25