Tea Drinkers ??



  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    For hot tea my favorite is Bigelow, Constant Comment,(orange with spice flavor), with a little honey. It really helps at staving off hunger for me and it's yummy. I also drink good old Lipton iced tea, unsweetened.
  • shankasaurus
    shankasaurus Posts: 116 Member
    I've been drinking a black english breakfast tea every morning for years, it's never been about weight loss, it's just a lifestyle thing. My mother and an old roommate both were avid tea drinkers, it tends to wear off on you, especially if they offer to get you a cup everytime they get up for one themselves.

    I also love the UNsweetened green tea from Starbucks, I used to get one everyday and free refills when I worked right next door. I miss that place. Now I just do a cup of hot green tea after my black tea. It's a flavor thing, I actually prefer it over the black but the black just has a bit more caffeine which I enjoy.

    I never add anything to my tea. But it's super important that I steep my tea bags for exactly 3 minutes. I set a timer. If they steep too long it creates a bitter flavor.
  • LazyCatPame
    LazyCatPame Posts: 112 Member
    Well... As an addict to tea I can confirm it does help. Maybe not in the "magical losing weight thingy" but in a way to avoid eating something you shouldn't eat. Besides it's kinda delicious
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    Love tea. I never add sweetener. It just takes away from the natural flavor of the tea imho. I prefer black, but also enjoy white and red tea. I'm not a big fan of flavoring being added to tea (like vanilla or fruit flavors or whatever).

    I don't think it helps me with weight loss at all. I've always drank a lot of tea and it doesn't affect my appetite. Maybe it's one of those things that helps if you believe it helps. But it has potassium and antioxidants and in general, as long as you aren't adding sugars, I believe it's a healthy habit.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Being in the UK I am a big tea drinker. Don't like coffee.

    Standard teabags, semi-skimmed milk (what I think you call 2% in the US?) no sugar.

    Usually drink about 5-6 mugs a day.

    Ditto on that. I love tea!!☕️☕️

    I tried fruit teas but I just prefer good old everyday tea!
  • bokaba
    bokaba Posts: 171 Member
    I usually some drink tea during the winter. It is 108 degrees today, so I am planning on sticking to water. I like coffee more, so if I have to choose, I go with coffee.
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member
    LOVE tea. I agree with many that posted that I use a hot cup of tea as a means to avoid snacking.
    I love a black tea with orange picot (think I spelled that correctly). Particularly Community brand.
    But for the past six months I'm more into the celestrial and yogi teas. My absolute relaxing tea is yogi's Egyptian Licorice.

    I picked up Licorice root to steep my own tea from the health food store . . . haven't tried it yet, but suspect it will by yummy.

    To mix things up I'll add lemon or honey or both on occasion.

    Also, all my teas I enjoy cold . .. I just prefer a hot cup of tea no matter what the temps are outside.

    It is the "I deserve this" mentality when drinking a good cup of tea. It gives pause.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I used to always drink my tea white, no sugar. I slowly went off tea so when i do have it now, it's black with a sweetener. Or occasionally almond milk. I also drink flavoured tea. Love apple and the Cinnamon and cherry one.
  • AmrOnTop
    AmrOnTop Posts: 52 Member
    Ever tried green tea w/mint and a spirinkle of cinammon and ginger? Extremely tasty, stomach soothing as it aids with digestion, filling and helps with fat loss! (No added sweetners of course).
  • arabellamoore451
    I drink green tea which I brew myself with filtered water. I brew 8 cups in the morning and drink the first cup hot and then the rest over ice throughout the day. :smile:
  • MsGaladrial
    Love tea, especially the Stash varieties, (send for their catalog, it's awesome!), I drink Earl :drinker: Grey or Irish Breakfast in the AM and then lots of herbal teas, cold and hot rest of the day. Tazo's Wild Sweet Orange is especially good, very flavorful. There has a lot written about the antioxidant effect of black and green teas, and, if you're drinking more fluids it's only good! :drinker:
  • lizzylovestocook
    lizzylovestocook Posts: 30 Member
    I love tea in the afternoon , I usually have coffee in the morning then switch to tea either black tea or green , sometimes mint tea. No sugar or milk just plain tea . Not sure if it helps with weight loss I just enjoy it .
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I'm a tea drinker as well, usually just in the mornings. Tetley (orange pekoe), Twinings Jasmine Green and Twinings Earl Grey are my favorites. I don't add anything to them. Sometimes to change it up I'll have some fun flavours from David's Tea. (Check them out, they have so many diferent kinds! www.davidstea.com )
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I like the Irish Breakfast from Adagio. The Gunpowder is also good if you like a smokey green tea.

    Adagio is a great place for tea. I also occasionally get Numi's Chocolate Pu-erh tea when I want something sweet. I do use TJ's liquid stevia because I have an unnatural sweet tooth. Green tea is pretty good, I like Stash when I have nothing else. Mint green tea is my favorite a long with Darjeeling.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm a huge tea drinker! I usually drink 2-4 cups a day of all sorts of tea (mainly green and black). It helps me feel satisfied after meals and helps me stop eating. I just can't drink it on an empty stomach or I get slightly nauseous.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    At the moment, I'm drinking Traditional Medicinals Echinacea Plus (I have a bit of a head cold; found at Wholefoods). It's an herbal tea. Normally, I will drink Bigelow's Chinese Oolong tea (black tea).

    I also like Throat Coat (not sure of the brand, but found at Wholefoods), it's also good for when you are sick.

    Tazo also has pretty good tea. I'm about to try their Green Ginger for the first time. It's steeping as I type this, and it smells really good. I can definitely smell the ginger in it. It's a green tea, so it has some caffeine. Generally, I'm not a huge fan of green tea, but ginger is good for colds, so I'm hopeful it will be good.

    Teavana has really great tea. Expensive, but good!

    I throw a packet of Splenda in the cup and call it a day. I'm not that inventive with tea, lol.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I drink 2+ Trenta green iced tea (unsweetened, no water) from Starbucks everyday!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Green tea is meant to assist, although the amoint you have to drink is likely to assist losing weight by the times you have to go to the loo. I did have a penchant for Earl Grey as well as Rooibos/ Red Bush and Vanilla.
  • laura100286
    i love tea!! i started drinking it a lot at night to help lessen any cravings for dessert. I used to use artificial sweetener but have been trying to get away from that. now i drink it without any sweetener and it still calms my cravings! :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    In the evening, I switch from coffee to various decaf tea. For me, the tea is a satisfier and keeps me away from bad choices in the evening. On the plus side - I enjoy tea.