cut out soda?



  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    ok so my main issue I believe is the fact that my whole household (including myself) is straight up addicted to soda. myself I love Diet mountain dew.

    What issue do you think a zero calorie soda is causing? If you're staying at or below your calorie goal, it doesn't hinder weight loss.

    Hehe honestly I give up. Some people will do anything to convince themselves they are healthier than you. Including apparently considering caffeine, the only difference between diet soda and flavored sparkling water a dangerous substance.

    Wake up people just cos its labeled vitamin enriched super water in the store doesn't mean its any better for you than diet coke. It's a marketing gimmick.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Just gradually cut it down.

    I used to drink over half a 2 liter of coke a day. That's one of the big reasons I got so fat.

    I just started drinking less and less very gradually. Eventually I got my bad habit under control. Now I only have it once a week, and only 16oz at most.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    There's nothing wrong with drinking diet sodas. I drink one a day sometimes, if I want it. There's nothing in them that will harm you.
  • claudiasusana93
    I treat myself once a week to diet coke and just drink water the rest of the week :)
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I don't honestly see much issue with diet soda, unless you're worried about your caffeine dependency. I mean to be fair it's squicky to have a caffeine addiction but it's not really the worst thing on earth.

    .... says the Diet Coke addict. Like mega addict. I'm trying to "cut back" because my trainer asked me to but it's hard because I don't really think there is a good reason why I need to. It's cheaper, though! Do it for the money :)
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    There is only 5 calories in diet Mountain Dew. I wonder if they make caffeine free?
  • rdmitche1
    rdmitche1 Posts: 400 Member
    I only drank Diet Dr. Pepper and water. Several people told me soda is not good for you. I tried to quit before and did not drink soda for about a month and saw no change in my weight. I wanted to try again. It was really hard to quit! I went cold turkey on June 29, 2014 and have not had a soda since. Without really changing my diet, and after about 45 days, I noticed a weight change. I also started feeling better. Less headaches, my shortness of breath went away. Now, I really only drink water and an occasional tea. I found out that water favor additives help mix it up, but they can get addicting as well.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Caffeine pills or coffee can help with the withdrawals.

    I LOVED my regular Mountain Dew. Still do, but have been able to ween off it by using Crystal Light. That isn't the perfect solution, but it is better than my Dew habit. Plus I find that I can dilute the Crystal Light into larger containers, so I'm running at about 3 quarts/packet vs. 2 quarts on the label.

    I cut way down using caffeine pills. I started with 2 a day, then split one, then one a day, then split to 1/2 a day. I enjoy coffee and now I have 2 cups in the morning and no caffeine of any kind for the rest of the day.

    As far as the soda itself, once you get the caffeine under control, go for things like seltzer if you like the fizz or have a caffeine free diet soda when you really want a soda.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    There's not really an issue with pop itself if it's diet. If you're worried about the caffeine dependency, like mentioned above, then either go cold turkey or try to ween yourself off. I failed at weening and just cut it out all together. Had about a week and a half of horrible headaches. I drink coffee and tea also, but it couldn't match up to the amount of pop I was drinking. Stopped it for awhile. I am back to drinking diet pop again, has had no negativity on my weight loss. I only drink diet pop.

    To all those who say diet pop is horrible for you, I've done the research. Done research on the research. Found nothing supporting it.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    If you can make room for it in your daily calories, just have it if it's extremely hard to give up. Me, personally, I cut it out because it made losing weight easier for me, and it only took about a month of not drinking it to become disgusted by the taste of any soda. It frees up a lot of calories (at least if you don't drink diet sodas) and it's nice to not depend on the sugar / caffeine rush. However, I do drink a lot of coffee now - usually black or with some skim milk in it. Much fewer calories, and much fewer potentially harmful additives.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    There is only 5 calories in diet Mountain Dew. I wonder if they make caffeine free?

    They do, but not every grocery carries it.
  • donnylou
    donnylou Posts: 46 Member
    Just stop drinking it or reduce it over time if you really want to eliminate it from your diet.

    Stay hydrated with something else.

    If you want to replace the caffeine there are many other drink that contain it.

    THIS ^^^

    I was a HUGE Diet Coke drinker....easily drink two 2 Liter bottles plus at least 2 20 oz bottles at work....did I mention the pot of extra strong dark coffee in the morning BEFORE the Diet Coke?
    I just cut back a little at at time...I allowed myself to have it cause if I did it cold turkey (like I did before) I felt cheated out of it. I also drink a ton (and I mean a ton like 96 oz or more a day) or water. Crsystal light really since I don't care for just plain steps...I figure I'll get to the plain water soon enough.
    I still have a cup or two of coffee a day and maybe one half of a 20 oz Diet Coke every so often. It's not that I can't have it, I just choose not too knowing it's not healthy.
    What ever you choose to do, it's still better than what you were doing!
  • Sherbear1109
    Sherbear1109 Posts: 155 Member
    Start by cutting down and replace what you cut out with water. Drink as much water as you can. This was difficult for me, as I didn't drink water at all before. Best thing I've ever done for myself, though. I am healthier on so many levels now that I drink only water for the most part. Well, plus 1 coffee in the morning. Refuse to cut that out completely. :-)
  • SuthernKimby
    SuthernKimby Posts: 10 Member
    For me I just had to go cold turkey, I was so addicted. Loved sugared sodas and when I went diet they just seemed to make me hungrier. It came to the point I want to stay within my calorie range so bad that it just wasn't an option for me. I mainly drink water, lemonade with splenda or just homemade with no sweeteners, brags vinegar in my water, or limes in my water. I occasionally have 1% milk and creamer daily with my coffee. Again, I think it became less important naturally…maybe just a blessing from God because I would drink 2 liters daily easily. Oh yeah, I have occasional adult beverages too…LOL!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I always wonder what miracle effect people are expecting from replacing one zero or near zero soda drink with another zero calorie drink called something else?
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I didn't really have problems with headaches when I cut out soda cold turkey, at least not past the first few days. I did get terrible cravings but those diminished over time. I think you're probably addicted to caffeine and need to slowly cut back before you quit completely. Or take some headache medicine or switch to something else with caffeine that isn't soda. A lot of people are fine with diet soda but I do not think drinking all those chemicals and artificial sweeteners is a good idea.
  • BornxVillain
    BornxVillain Posts: 79 Member
    There's nothing wrong with a diet soda here and there.
    I have lost 60lbs drinking 2-4 cans a day of Diet Mtn Dew, it's definitely a staple and I do feel great.

    If you're worried about your teeth, you should also be worried about citrus fruits damaging them- but as long as you maintain proper dental hygiene; pop nor citrus will hurt your teeth as bad as you'd think.

    Bottoms up! Or.. cans up! :drinker:
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    Diet Mountain Dew has both caffeine and aspartame. For the caffeine a reduction method I used was to take an excedrin (containing aspirin and caffeine), and cut it in tiny little pieces. Half a piece smaller everyday. This forestalls the caffeine headache. Then eventually you forget to take it. There are many on this site, who are adamant that junk foods, or nonnutritive comfort food of their choice, is necessary to their sanity. Whatever works for you. But everyone is different and we all have distinct goals. Personally, I have liver disease, and I don't want any crap clogging up the works. There has been some evidence, unsubstantiated, that aspartame can become formaldehyde if exposed to UV. So don't drink it outside, LOL. Also, aspartame has been linked to depression. I used to stare at the "sugar" bowl at the restaurant and think, "fat, cancer, crazy" what's my poison today. Now I just order herbal tea. It's easier on my liver and on my spirit. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    I stopped diet coke cold turkey - expected the nasty withdrawal symptoms but had none - even though it was my only source of caffeine... What if you do a little research and see what kind of crap you are putting in your body?... I like to tell myself that it's making me sick - imagine yourself having a horrible disease thanks to that one thing... it's much easier to avoid if you tell yourself that and you may not be far off...
    There is nothing beneficial to come from drinking it... other than wasting tons of money and making the companies richer!!! Why not decide to stash away the money you spend on soda and save up for something you really want! You'll be surprised at how quickly it adds up!
    Water is your best friend - learn to love it - get yourself some pretty reusable bottles to drink it from - get a Brita filter on your tap - and keep the water in the fridge if you like it cold! Having it readily available really helps...
    You can do this. It's totally mind over matter... if I can stop cold turkey anyone can!!! And again - if you're having such withdrawal symptoms - doesn't that make you wonder what exactly is in there????
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Agree with saving money, too!

    Use that pop money to buy yourself a Tervis glass and drink ice water all day without ever needing a coaster. Even if Florida summers, those things Do Not Sweat. They're awesome. (I don't work for them, lol, they're just so wonderful for ice water.)

    I loved my diet pop and wrestled with it for years. I always worry I'll go back to it, but am so glad it's out of my life. :)