Egyptian newcomer here :)

This is Amr, 20 years old male from Cairo, Egypt.

I've been overweight for most of my life and been crash/yo-yo dieting for a bit and always end up failing and gaining any weight I've lost back. I have finally learned that the key to success is convinence. Now, I don't make any dietary substitutes or additions without asking the question: "Can I see myself consuming this regurarly in the long run?" and that's how I stick to it.

Thankfully, the last 2 months have been a slow and steady learning experience for me, I've lost over 20 pounds and just started resistance training at the gym 2 days ago.I am feeling more confident than ever.

At 5'10 height, I'm currently at the mark of 175lbs. I have the "skinny fat" look so my goal is to build some muscle now, with a very slight caloric restruction and a high protein/healthy fats and healthy carbs intake.

That's too long for an introduction, sorry. XD
Hope to find some friends in this very informatie platform. xo