Over Worked= Over eating

I have overeating VERY very badly the last couple of weeks due to dissertation stress. That along with inactivity of sitting on my computer all day has resulted in big weight gain.
I feel very low about this, and my self esteem, along with heavy binging is impacting on my work...
Its the final week before due date, and would love some support in starting and ending this week on a positive note, that is not governed by food and more weight gain (a loss would be an AMAZING start)...

Also for anyone else who is experiencing stress with work that impacts on food, weight and healthy lifestyle goals- we call all help support and encourage each other to make better choices.

Thanks in advance everyone!



  • PDW88

    I know where you are coming from. I am right there with you. It's very difficult to break the cycle of turning to food for comfort especially when stressed. I do this often and it has resulted in weight gain for me as well but I've decided to turn a new leaf. I am. Working on being consciously aware of when I am stress or tired and correlate that with how hungry I really am. Basically, I'm learning to say no. I wish you the best, stay positive and please do not let the stress completely derail your goals. You will get through this. Be encouraged and stay positive :)
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I was where you are. Work stress made me eat. Put on your shoes and go for a walk. It will make you feel better.
  • Izzyp7
    Thank you so much for the positive words of encouragement! Been trying to do some yoga the last couple of days, but felt too tired and stressed today, and fell back into the binge eating. Tomorrow is a new day though :)
    Snip8241- Will def take the advice of going for a walk, as sometimes I don't even leave the house...!
    And well done PDW88 for learning to say no- very strong of you. Keep going!

    :) xx
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    Have a gallon of water with you at all time. Try to drink it every half an hour, finish the whole thing by the end of the day..
  • Jade_Lee
    I can relate to this 100%! Try to take the pressure off yourself and just take each little task one step at a time.

    Most recently I have suffered from some really bad insomnia (from a high pressure, stressful job) which then resulted in my healthy eating flying straight out the window! As soon as I started to relax and not catastrophize everything it got a lot easier.


    : ) xo