Looking for Motivation/Fitness Buddies

Hi Everyone :happy:

I am looking to get fit and lose approx 18 lbs and looking for people help motivate me and visa versa. if you are looking for the same add me.

I am mostly looking to feel better rather than the weight but making a weight goal anyway or even losing a size or 2 would be good whatever comes first I guess lol...I like exercising because I love the way it makes me feel. Food is struggle, I have IBS (not confirmed but thats what the doctor said I have) high fibre does the opposite of what it typically does to someone with IBS, basically shuts down my stomach...thinking of talking to a nutritionist for help with meal planning.

Take Care!



  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hi and welcome :-)

    I have a lot more to lose (70lbs), but feel your pain re IBS.

    Keeping your food diary on here will help you find your trigger foods. Mine are:

    grease / oil;
    wheat, so no bread or pasta though cakes are ok! Think it's the different strengths of flour;
    dairy, so have soya yoghurts. No milk in tea or coffee;
    sugar, have to keep it down.

    It was daunting and frustrating at first, but now I'm pretty used to it and whilst I might very occasionally crave a thick slice of fresh bread and butter, knowing what it does to me does help me to resist! Either that or even six months or so I'll have one slice (then wish I hadn't!).

    My diary is public so you're welcome to have a looksee.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me for support!
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I feel you, I need more active friends as well. Feel free to add me! I wanna lose a total of 17lbs, and I am just over halfway there!
  • djpro1337
    djpro1337 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm always looking for active friends for motivational support! I added you.
  • girlnamedsarah
    girlnamedsarah Posts: 18 Member
    Adding you!
  • PeacefulSeraph
    PeacefulSeraph Posts: 201 Member
    Let's be friends!
  • littlewolf3785
    littlewolf3785 Posts: 2,592 Member
    Adding you! In the same boat with the IBS and with Gall bladder problems as well. You learn real quick what kind of foods work and what to stay away from.
