Sticking to it

Hello all,

I'm a 32 yr old guy with two little kids and a stressful job. I'm at the end of week 2 today. Started at 207lbs and lost 3 lbs the first week. I weigh in tomorrow hopefully lost some more. My goal weight is 180 by Christmas. I have a stressful job and find myself eating when I'm stressed or when I'm bored. I've been eating vegetables as snacks, eat more salads and less eating out, and keeping track of my calories. I like to go to the gym but it's hard to find time with kids and work. I feel better already and I am trying to stick with this. Thanks everyone looking forward to learning more here and gaining motivation.


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    good luck. as for working out, you have a few options. early morning, either before work, or before the rest of the house wakes up. lunch time. right after work, or in the evenings after everyone is in bed.

    try all of them. see what works for you. and you don't have to do the same time every day. good luck.