What is Best Ab work when

Sit-up and crunches hurt my neck. I want to reduce my waist. Any videos welcome.


Lutz fl


  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Situps and crunches are hurting your neck because your form is incorrect and you're pulling yourself up with your neck/shoulders instead of your abs. I recommend checking out some videos on correct form and using a mirror or a buddy to help you feel the correct position.

    Exercising your abs will not make your waist smaller though. You cannot make an area of your body smaller by exercising it.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    The best way to reduce your body fat percentage (which includes your waist) is to eat at a deficit while doing resistance/strength training to maintain muscle mass. Unfortunately, it's a myth that you can spot reduce fat, it'll come off where it wants to. But there are exercises you can do in order to strengthen your ab muscles, and your core overall.

    A few off the top of my head:

    Land mines
    Bird-dog...or something (on all fours, stretch out right arm and left leg, then switch to left arm and right leg, repeat)
    Hanging Leg Raises

    You know...honestly a good place to get ideas for exercises is bodybuilding.com. At least, that's where I started off, and it really helped out. They even have workout plans based on whatever your fitness level is. Good luck!