Intermittent Fasting

Hi all,
I'm new to the community and would love some feedback. I'm diabetic and have been doing IF and absolutely love the results that I have had with my blood sugar levels. I have been on 1200 calories and sometimes find it hard to reach. I have found out that I should be on at least 1700 and trying to fill up is making me physically ill. If I workout 800-1100 calories daily does that mean I need to eat that much extra on top of the initial 1700!!! Please help I find it hard to fit in the calories after a 16-18 hr. fast but it has me off of all medication.


  • It can be so difficult. Your diary is locked so I can't see what kind of food you're eating or what kind of meal plan you're on. But more general advice I've seen is to work more fat into your diet. I'm not talking about going down to the local McD's and chowing down. I'm talking about healthy fats: avocados, nuts and nut butters, fatty fish (such as salmon), etc. Just 4oz of salmon can net you ~200 calories and just 1/2 cup of avocado is ~150 calories. So that's a small meal that nets you an extra 350 calories in a day.

    Good luck!