Did someone here create the MFP nike+ online challenges?

I see them in the list of challenges and would like to join in. Anyone else here using nike+ to keep track of their runs?

I'm maccabeth on there, too. :smile:


  • goodjobrunner
    goodjobrunner Posts: 7 Member
    There is a MFP challenge on Nike +? What is it called? I am on Nike+ as GoodJobRunner.
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    i was using nike + until i hurt my leg and back....hoping to be back at it next week.

    i didn't know there was a MFP nike + challenge
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Here's the first one I found for January. Hopefully the link works. (You may have to be logged in to your nike+)


    Looks like it was created by a nich0le?

    I'm just assuming that MFP is for our MFP! If not, I can create one for us. :smile:
  • goodjobrunner
    goodjobrunner Posts: 7 Member
    I logged in and joined it too. Who knows. Hopefully if it is not, they let us know. But yes, if it is not MFP, we should start one. I bet there are a few people on here who use the Nike+ that we can find. :)
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    can someone let me know if it is MFP :)
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    can someone let me know if it is MFP :)

    It is MFP! I got confirmation. :)
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    can someone let me know if it is MFP :)

    It is MFP! I got confirmation. :)

    thank you :)