My first spinning class: Holy *kitten*!

superwmn Posts: 936
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So I took the LAMEST spinning class last week and was encouraged by my MFP friends to try spinning at least four times before I decide if I love or hate it. I tried it again last night with a different instructor and, let me tell you, it was a different experience entirely.

The class TOTALLY kicked my @ss in a way that I was unaware it could be kicked. I'm not saying this to scare anyone who is curious about spinning and nervous to try it. YOU chose the resistance level on your bike so you can make the class as easy or as challenging as you like. The fact that I made the class as challenging as I did for myself speaks highly of the instructor. She really motivated me to 'push through it'. Boy did I push through it.

The class was broken down by song. Each song 'featured' a different theme: warm up, climbing, jumping, running, STEEP climb...can't remember what else we did. It's all kind of a blur.


- I'm in and out of the gym in an hour and I've gotten one hell of a work out.
- Fast, pop music. I love me some pop music.
- Each song featuring a different theme. If the theme was killing me, I only had to make it through THIS song. Unfortunately, all themes killed me.


- Class was taught with the studio lights off and we spun by the indirect light from the hallway. I have terrible night vision and didn't enjoy exercising in the dark.
- I sat near the clock (my bad on this, not the class, but learn from my mistake) and because the work out was SO challenging, found myself 'clock watching' and getting overwhelmed by how fatigued I was in relation to how much class still lay ahead of me.
- Tiny seats. I'm 'saddle sore' today, but no more than when I hit the bike path with an actual bike.

I'm going to attend at least two more classes before I make a final verdict, but at THIS point in time my pre-verdict is as follows: I liked it, but don't know if I'd go more than once a week or if I'd continue to go when the weather breaks and I have more outdoor options.



  • MartiWillett
    MartiWillett Posts: 103 Member
    Holy *kitten*! is what I think every time I see one of those classes going on, but I bet its a great burn! I'm planning on trying it when I'm in a little bit better shape. Props to you for making it through!
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member

    well done for spinning - i remember how daunted I felt when i first went but also how great I felt to have made it to the end of the class (as knackered as I was!) :-)
    I must admit, I havn't been in a long time as it no longer works around my work, but what I can tell you is, in the beginning I couldnt do the whole class a such, a couldnt manage the jumps but after just a few classes (about 6 i think) I could, and I felt great! I
    also notice my fitness improved within a few classes and suddenly I didnt feel like the terribly unfit one!
    well done again, and see how u go
  • dgilner
    dgilner Posts: 120 Member
    I used to spin regularly (for 6 months) and LOVED It - mostly bc I sweat my *kitten* off!! But I never acclaimated (sp?) to the seat. Never. Ever. most the time I spent up in the air, so I am sure I missed a lot of the point of it all.
    Totally awesome workout!!!
  • Did my first class this past Monday after I had done 40 minutes of cardio already, and as you said YOU control the level of your workout. Like you I challenged myself and got through, but I thought I had another 20 mins of cardio left in me, NOT!!! Five minutes later I was stretching and going home to melt into my Lazy-boy! I can't wait to do it again and make it a part of my weekly workout
  • I did my first hour spinning class yesterday :), last thursday I did a half hour one and though no biggie I got yesterday I went and luckily my instructer took the clock down but I could still see it but not easily. I can't do the standing atm (stress fracture in foot thats healing) but I was told to increase resistnace and peddle harder during that part...My butt hurts so bad but I'm going to another special one hour class this thursday (if we finish and do the full hour we get a free group training session on the gym floor) I really enjoy it and I think once I can stand I'll like it more and have less butt ache. I was told to get bike shorts with padding if I was going to keep coming to the class.
  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    Kudos to you for getting out there and trying something new. Who knows, you may learn to love it and become a spinning fanatic!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i'm glad u had such a better time with this 1!! :happy:

    i love spinnin & i'll give u some advice. i use 2 take a beach towel & wrap it around the seat. that way it doesn't hurt so much :laugh:

    the spinners that go often usually purchase their own seats & u can actually purchase clip on shoes 4 the pedals. but that's 4 the hardcore spinners.

    i :heart: spinnin but haven't been in yrs :sad:

    i think it actually depends on the instructor. if u have a good instructor then u'll have a good class :bigsmile:
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I love spinning, and like you, I had a TERRIBLE first experience. The music, the pace of the class, everything was off. The first class I took was only 45 minutes and I barely made it through. I was definitely clock watching.

    The second class wasn't too much better but I kept going back. Finally, the 3rd or 4th class I found my instructor. It was an hour class and I found myself keeping pace with the instructor the entire class. The music had me pumped, he was motivating and I didn't even notice the time. I now go to the hour classes and I only watch the clock to make sure I'm making my wattage goals. I shoot for 100 or more in an hour. I've done 100 in 45 minutes. The first few classes I was barely in the 60 range. For anyone who keeps track of her watts, this is a big difference. I never realized how hard you have to work to do it. I love pushing myself, and honestly, after going only once or twice a week for a couple of months, my butt is totally ok with the seat now. I don't get sore anymore. The first couple of classes left me barely able to sit. I broke my tailbone when I was little and it's hard for me to sit for long periods of time or do floor exercises on my back. Even with that, I have found that my body adjusted my position on the bike to where it's most comfortable and now I can totally rock it with no discomfort.

    Stick with it, and hopefully you'll find that you can really get into it.

    ps. I love that it's dark in the room. I get migraines, and it's heavenly to exercise in the dark. Also, I feel like no one is looking at you.
  • I love spinning! invest in some cleats... its worth the push and pull! Most of all i love working out in the dark :)
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I went to my first spin class last week too! My crotch and butt hurt soooo bad for like 5 days. It was ridiculous. I heard that you get used to it, but even though I did love the work out, I'm not sure I'd be willing to always have a super sore crotch and butt. I couldn't sit for a full day without being in utter pain. That's just not fun.

    Spin classes are a good workout though.

    We worked out in the dark too, but it wasn't just light from the hallway, there was slight light. I actually liked that.

    Yes, we had a clock on the wall as well, and I too found myself watching it and thinking OMG 25 more minutesssssssss.....
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    Isn't it amazing how an instructor teaching the same class can do things so differently?! I teach both aqua and spinning and I always tell people to try different instructors because believe it or not the same format can be very different with someone else. The music is the most important part. I find myself buying new music almost every time I teach spinning : ) Good music is how I fight the clock watching (or at least try to) Its so much more fun when the music moves you and it fits what you are doing in the saddle

    BTW you can combat saddle sores with cycling shorts (they have padding in the tush) or buying a cover for the seat that has a gel padding in it. The saddle sores will get better and if you keep going after about the 3 class you wont even notice it anymore : )

    I am glad you enjoyed this last class! Try some more instructors if you can
  • I felt this way when I first starting spinning too! Most spin classes are taught in the dark. I'm not sure why, I guess they want you to really zone out and focus solely on your body. On that note though, every spin class I have gone to the instructor has taken down the clock and turned it upside down-maybe you could ask if yours could do the same!

    Unfortunately the saddle seat thing will kill you and it will probably be worse the next day or so LOL-but yes, bike shorts will def help with that.

    I hope you stick with it and learn to love it-I miss it sooo much since I quit my gym for financial reasons :(
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    I definitely believe the instructor will make the class intense or not. I've taken the same classes with different instructors and I get more out of the ones who are intense and exciting...I've had some instructors who just aren't fun!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I suggest buying a seat cover that is cushioned, it will help ease the soreness of your "seat". You can get these pretty cheap at target, walmart etc, about $10. Don't worry about looking silly, the longer you go the more you will notice some people look like they are getting ready for the Tour de France :laugh:
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Don't worry about looking silly, the longer you go the more you will notice some people look like they are getting ready for the Tour de France.

    HA! I want to walk in, a total beginner, looking like I'M preparing for the Tour de France. I want to let the world know that I am COMMITTED to fitness :)

  • I love spin class, I normally go Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings but it definitely is all about the instructor. Luckily there is a bunch of good ones at my gym, had one bad one once but he was just a fill-in when the regular instructor was out sick.
  • I have been spinning for a couple weeks now... at least 2 times a week and i Love it........

    The only issue I have is i think its making my thighs bigger.. is that possible if i only do it 2-3 times a week ???
    I try not to go high on intensity for that reason..
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    umm.. r u pear shaped? the only reason i ask is b/c if u r then it's easier 4 u 2 build muscle in ur lower extremities. i think maybe if u try 2 make the intensity level lighter hopefully that'll slow down or stop the muscle building fibers in ur legs :)
  • I actually just took a spin class's been five months! I've missed it!! It definitely depends on your instructor so when I first start taking spin a 1 1/2 yrs ago, I had the MOST AMAZING 2 instructors EVER!!! Slinging water, music pumping, low lighting so you could better mentally visualize, screaming to PUSH IT...They were amazing!!! The one tonight was ok, but I pushed myself and I LOVE the endorphin rush I get after spin and I love the fact that its not all "dance-y"...Spin is a great cardio workout...when I first started it a while back I had already lost 25 lb's. After 3 months of spin 3 x week (2-75 min. classes and 1-60 min. class) I lost 50 lb's!!!!! It's a great exercise...and YES it does take a couple of weeks to get used to the bike seat, but after that, you are used to it!! I love me some spin and can't wait to burn it up again Saturday!
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