Kettle Bell Workouts

bk2011 Posts: 268
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok I think I'm going to try some kettle bell workouts since I can no longer do insanity after my tendonitis injury. Who out there has done these workouts, and which one(s) would you recommend? Anyone have experience with the kettleworx program? That seems pretty promising. Thanks in advance.


  • I do the ones made by Danskin. You can get them at Walmart. I use the 5lb currently but will upgrade to the 10lbs next week. I really like them. They burn a ton of calories in a short amount of time and leave you feeling toned and energized.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    YES! Infact, I am having truoble walking/sitting this week from my monday night work out. I used to go to a kettlebell gym, not I do them at home with my 15 lb kettle bell and dvd I got from walmart. Good Luck! Your booty and thight will love you for it this summer!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I've heard mixed reviews about the Kettleworx program. I would start small and make sure you like working with kettlebells before you invest. I started with a Danskin kit (5 lb kettlebell and Gin Miller DVD) and have progressed to more weight and more challenging moves.
  • YES! Infact, I am having truoble walking/sitting this week from my monday night work out. I used to go to a kettlebell gym, not I do them at home with my 15 lb kettle bell and dvd I got from walmart. Good Luck! Your booty and thight will love you for it this summer!

    When I was doing them regularly, my butt and thighs felt like they were on fire and getting harder!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    YES! Infact, I am having truoble walking/sitting this week from my monday night work out. I used to go to a kettlebell gym, not I do them at home with my 15 lb kettle bell and dvd I got from walmart. Good Luck! Your booty and thight will love you for it this summer!

    When I was doing them regularly, my butt and thighs felt like they were on fire and getting harder!

    Exactly, and I love that feeling. I NEVER felt a work out like this just doing squats or presses at the gym. I also incorporate some core exercises and upper body strength with it. I really Love my kettlebell :)
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
    What type of exercise do you do with Kettle Bell ?
  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    I use the Kettleworx and really like them. You can purchase separate DVD's for different muscle areas and rotate them. They are challenging but you can work at your own pace. I only use the 5 pound weight and it's a great work out. I think you should try them!
  • I use the Kettleworx and really like them. You can purchase separate DVD's for different muscle areas and rotate them. They are challenging but you can work at your own pace. I only use the 5 pound weight and it's a great work out. I think you should try them!

    I've never heard of kettleworx. I might have to check that out!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    We use them in Crossfit quite a bit. You really don't need a DVD to incorporate them. Google exercises done with kettlebells and just add some in to your usual strength training routine! I use 15-20-25 pound kb depending on what I'm doing with them...I personally think any weight less than that would be kinda useless and no better than a dumbbell IMO.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I've actually just started working with kettlebells in preparation for a workshop I'm going to in January on using them for rehab. I recently broke my tailbone and can't sit comfortably or lay on a weight bench, so I'm using a 20 pound kettlebell to still get some weight training in. You can use them like a dumbbell for traditional exercises or you can do the swings and such that really work the cardiovascular system at the same time you're getting strength work. I highly recommend anything by Crossfit, Lauren Brooks, or anyone RKC certified. I'd avoid stuff by popular personal trainers who are just using them as part of their workouts without being specially trained in them. I've seen some horrible form issues in Jillian Michaels stuff for example, so I wouldn't recommend her workouts for risk of injury. As for Kettleworx, I haven't heard anything really bad about them, but I also haven't heard anything great. Most of the people I talk to about kettlebells are hardcore kettlebell users and professionals. They look at Kettleworx kind of like martial artists look at Turbo Jam, as a toned down easier version that is designed to make it fun so they sell more products, not as a true kettlebell workout. My thoughts are that everyone has to start somewhere though, and not everyone is strong enough to start with heavier bells and may need the fun factor. Because of my background in heavy lifting I picked 20 and 35 pound bells to start with, but the book I bought says to start with 18 pounds for average women and 35 pounds for average men and 26 pounds for strong women and 44 to 53 pounds for strong to very strong men. Again, this is a book based on RKC certification and not the general population that is starting to put their toes in the kettlebell waters.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I just bought a set this past weekend - it has 5lb, 15lb and 25lb... which I understand may be a bit light, but the whole set was $30.

    It came with an instructional DVD (that I haven't checked out yet) but it sounds like after you learn the techniques that you don't really need a true "exercise video" to use them... ??
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    I do the ones made by Danskin. You can get them at Walmart. I use the 5lb currently but will upgrade to the 10lbs next week. I really like them. They burn a ton of calories in a short amount of time and leave you feeling toned and energized.

    Ditto. I used the DVD that came with it until I had the moves down, now I do them without the DVD.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I would think twice before doing kettlebells with that type of injury. I'd stick to more resistance bands or pilates for strength first. Kettlebells are not easy on your body and if done wrong can cause injury they aren't for someone that already has an injury IMO.
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