New to this and looking for mates to inspire

Hi all,

I used to weight 20st approx. due to a poor lifestyle brought on by knee surgery which subsequently meant I could no longer play football, run or hit the gym for 6 months but since May I have got my act together and despite never looking stupidly obese , am on the right track so much so that I have enrolled on a personal trainer course so if anyone out there wants to add me as a friend/support then please feel free to do so.

Cheers in advance



  • kalestewart
    Hey! I've been with MyFitnessPal for a while, but am new to the whole "community" aspect of it. I'm also looking for a bit of support. Like you, I've had a knee injury and haven't been able to exercise properly for about 6 months. Now that I've healed, I'm looking to get back in to going to the gym.

    I just moved cities and no longer have a membership. I'm just using my building's facilities, which are very minimal. I'm not very motivated to go with such a small gym available to me, so I guess that's why I'm replying!

  • tcThePT
    Hey Kale,

    sorry to hear about your injury, do you mind if I ask what you did? Personally, I found the not being able to do anything so frustrating so I ate a bit then before you know it , it just hits you. That said, when your surgeon gives you the green light to go back to training , just SUCH a buzz.

    Shame about the gym, I use a fairly small one locally but the bonus is that theres no gorilla pit so you don't feel intimidated etc. So hard to find the balance though?