Achieving a healthy lifestyle

Hey everyone! I'm Janelle and I've been on MFP in the past but I have returned to track my food intake. I have about 15lbs to lose. I'm a very active person. I love to mountain bike, hike, lift weights, and run. I just completed my first half marathon on Saturday, and am already planning out my training for the next the next one. Add me if you are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, want to encourage each other, or whatever!


  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Hey there, we sound pretty similar! I also love mtb and road biking, running, hiking, skiing, etc! I'm usually pretty active and healthy but I totally fell off the wagon last winter after really busting *kitten* for my wedding and gained about 15 lbs. I'm down about 10 now....
    Great job on the half, that is awesome. I've got one next Sunday :) Anyway, I'm going to add you. My name's Lauren by the way.