Is my workout regiment appropriate for my goal?

Hi all!

My goal with MFP is to slim down/lose fat/look good naked!

A little while ago I deleted MFP because I was obsessing over it and it was causing me a lot of unneeded stress. I have since then focused on eating healthy and exercising but have seen the number on the scale go up! Maybe I was over eating, so I am back on MFP. Hopefully I will be able to see success and results.

I just started again two days ago so my journal isn't much of anything yet.

As for my exercise routine, I started lifting weights around 6 weeks ago and was wondering if maybe this was contributing to my slight weight gain.

My regiment is:

Cardio = stair master (13 minutes) + run (7 minutes) + walk (4 minutes)
Arms = 15lb Bicep Curls (
15lb Dumbbell Chest Press Flat Bench (
Lv 6 Lat Pull Downs (
Lv 6Tricep Pushdowns (
[the last two are done on a cable machine so I do not know the actual weight]

Cardio = elliptical (13 minutes) + run (7 minutes) + walk (4 minutes)
Legs = 50lb Squats (in rack) (
24lb Walking Lunges (
15lb Dumbbell Step ups (

REST (or light cardio)

Cardio = stair master (13 minutes) + run (7 minutes) + walk (4 minutes)
Arms = 15lb Dumbbell Shoulder press (
15lb Dumbbell Row (
20lb Overhead Tricep Extensions (
14lb Ez-bar curls (

20lb ez-bar Romanian Dead Lift (
15lb Dumbbell Step Ups (
Bulgarian Split Squats (12.10.8)

REST (or Friday's session)

REST (or light cardio)

--- ( = number of reps. It is four sets, different number of reps each time. ---
--- protein powder (1 scoop) or protein bar after workout ---

I know this is a lot of information but I would like to know if I am doing anything wrong!


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Did you make up this program or did you get it from somewhere? The only thing that stood out to me immediately was that you're doing the same weight for all reps. If you're starting with 16 reps at say 20lbs, why not move up in weight as you decrease reps? If you can do 20lbs for 16, doing only 8 is going to be fairly pointless, no?

    Regardless, if you're only 6 weeks in you can pretty much do anything and see overall gains. Later in the game you can change things up if you decide to focus your training more for particular goals.
  • bcerk
    bcerk Posts: 41
    A friend of mine sent it to me. Her sister and her boyfriend train for shows and they made it for her.

    The only reason I see that I do not up the weight with lower reps is that my arms/legs are relatively tired and im maxing out by the last reps of the 8 count set.

    Not exactly sure why it's written this way, but I do know that I'm very tired by the end of it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'd flip the progression, 5, 10, 20, 30, and then make the weights appropriate to the rep range, so is essence.


    My shoulder/lat/delt superset follows a pattern near that. Of course with differing weights and rep ranges per set.