"When did you start seeing yourself thinner?"



  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    When my spotter went to assist me on squats and I didn't feel his fingers sink into my fat folds. I actually cried!
  • stacibuk
    stacibuk Posts: 276 Member
    On Friday, I was feeling so fat when I saw my reflection. Then on Sunday, I put on some jeans that I could just fit into a month ago and now they are loose. Also, someone said I looked thinner today too. But I still can't see it. Even when I take pics I still can't see it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    For me the beginning of really seeing my change was like a one time event. I remember it perfectly! I went into the parking lot of my office building one day last Fall when I was at around 200-210 lb (from previous HW of 307 and my "usual" weight being around 270 for many years) and coming back into the building I saw my reflection in the glass doors unexpectedly... It was like "BAM! I am a different person that I don't recognize!?!"...I felt like I was looking at someone's average-ish, long legged late 30's aunt. Before that I always saw myself as perpetually 25 and fat/round. It was jarring.

    A year later and down another 30+ lb, it is still a bit jarring for me to see photographs, particularly full body photos with other people alongside me. It's kind of the same effect as in years past when I was shocked to see myself dwarfing all of my girlfriends...only now I'm shocked to see that I'm roughly the same size as they are, just taller and sometimes "bigger yet bonier" than them. I'll take it though :-)
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Wow- I was JUST talking to my friend about this. I am around 85 pounds down so far and I have a about 10 to 15 left. I still don't see myself as I am. When I look in the mirror I see my hair, makeup and my outfit...but i dont see the changes in my body. I can look at before and after pictures and see a difference, but in real life...not at all. I remember walking thru the mall a few months ago and was walking alongside a set of mirrors and I did a double take. I didn't recognize myself. It's something that really bothers me, because I am scared that it will never be good enough...
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    When I saw a short video of myself not too long ago doing the ALS ice bucket challenge. As I watched the video I remember thinking to myself - oh my goodness - you actually look thin! But I still look at the smaller clothes I'm into now (14's and large instead of 20W and 2X) and think that they still look big....
  • losingles
    losingles Posts: 147 Member
    OP, you are awesome! And I hope to notice some changes soon... I'm down 30+ pounds with a lot to go.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    When I saw a short video of myself not too long ago doing the ALS ice bucket challenge. As I watched the video I remember thinking to myself - oh my goodness - you actually look thin! But I still look at the smaller clothes I'm into now (14's and large instead of 20W and 2X) and think that they still look big....

    I am kind of the opposite, I laugh at my size 10 and 12 jeans coming out of the dryer because they just do not look like they would even fit onto my leg, to me. Yet they do fit just fine. It's weird. The only time this has really caused problems for me is when thrift shopping because sometimes (especially with larger items) people will cut the tags out, so you have to eyeball an item...I was size 22/2X for so many years that my brain sees that as "the right size for me" even though I know I'm smaller now, so I really need the tags on everything to know what's a 12, L, etc.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    OP, you are absolutely amazing.

    I only started to see the changes once I started buying smaller clothes. Also, pictures help tremendously.

    But I think that part of me will always see me as a fat person. No matter how thin I get.
  • pammyd76
    pammyd76 Posts: 42 Member
    Wow - you have done amazing!!!

    What I love is how you're smiling in both the before and after shots - you seem like a really warm, happy person - and I'm happy for you for all you've achieved!
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    My head knows I'm thinner - my eyes don't see it.
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    Where do I start...just today we had to go to the mall to have my cell phone looked at and as usual I watched the reflection of John and I as we got to the glass doors. I've notice the change through the months but today is the first time I thought to myself that I look thinner then John! I past him on the down side now for about a month or so now.

    In my shoes that I was going to wear to the wedding we just went to. I ended up having to buy new ones because they were to big and my feet don't swell like they use too. Also, the dress I wore to the wedding is the first short dress I've worn in I don't even remember! And I had to take it in before the wedding!

    My grandson text me a picture when I was probably at my heaviest 375lbs or around there about a month ago. I was shocked when I saw it. I've posted it with my before and after pictures.

    I also see it now because I can cross my legs lady like and I feel comfortable.

    Things like sitting in a movie theater sit too. We couldn't go to one of the theaters because I couldn't fit in the seats! Now....NO PROBLEMO!

    The car seat I have to pull up instead of back.

    I walk so so much faster now and I am constantly having to slow down for my wonderful hubby. I don't feel lazy at all! Don't nap! Don't get tired out!

    My brother we visited said my face looks sunk in. I don't know if that is good or not. But he said I look great!

    We saw a friend we haven't seen since we moved 3 years ago in a store in NJ and she saw me from a distance and was shouting OMG! You look great! That was a little embarriseing but it did feel good too.

    I no long have to use the handy cap toilet stalls and no one says to me you can use them!

    I can climb in and out of high step trucks with ease and fit in the back cab comfortably and can get in and out of the back seat of a two door car with ease too!

    I've taken my fat cloths in so many times they are out of shape now and I have started to buy smaller sizes most resent size is the 16 jeans! Yah!!!!

    I only have two shirts left that are starting to feel a little to loose, that my sister had given me that sat in my closet for a few years before I could fit into them. There was a whole box of cloths. I have had to give them all away.

    As it gets colder...not that Florida has a lot of "cold" weather...I realize I don't have a coat! I gave my huge coat away when I cleaned out my closet of most of my fat cloths.

    My rings to are worn on the middle fingers so I don't loose them until I can get them re-sized.

    If I sat here I could probably think of a number of more things that I have notice that I AM thinner but I'll let someone else have a go at it. lol!!!

    I'm glad you keep posting these wonderful posts because they remind us all how far we've come and to those who just have started that they to can and will come down the same path that others have already treaded before.

    Thank you Sue, my beautiful girlfriend! :bigsmile:
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Sometimes I look in the mirror and I feel like nothing has changed, still have 'fat' days. It certainly has not sunk in that I wear a size 10 in jeans. I had thought it would be one of the most awesome feelings but yeah. Other times, It's like I can't imagine that I was ever that size...and I'll be thinking "Wow I can see my feet" in the shower, and putting my hands on my hips throughout the day, just because I have hips. I think it will take some more time for it to click.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    As a yo yo dieter, I've always had a body image problem. This final time around, it took about a year to start seeing myself slim. I'll never be skinny, thank god, because I come from easter european stock, but I am athletic looking, which I love.

    Anyway, one day I was at a body pump class and the mirror was in front of me. I suddenly saw I had lost my saddlebags and most of the time you couldn't see my bat wings. Then I went into the Gap, and tried on a size 6 in pants and they fit perfectly.

    I now have a pair of black boots (see profile) I wear with these skinny black jeans. When I wear them, I feel like I'm 5'10". :love: I know I look really good because guys look at me even though I'm 67.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    Great work. Good for you! When I look back at my fat pics I can very much see a difference, but not always when I look in the mirror. Our minds play tricks on us! This is also a good reminder that it has been a long time since I took any pics from the back view. Gotta get on that.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Awesome accomplishment!

    It was at about 40 pounds lost that I really noticed the difference. My neck and face are much thinner. Sad thing though, lol, is that my face has many more visible wrinkles. Oh well!
    Another area that I really noticed is the area right above my bum. I used to have a 'shelf' there when I sat down. Now it's gone, yeah!
    My upper stomach area, right under my boobs is much flatter also.
    I still have quite a ways to go, but it is encouraging to finally see my hard work showing.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    It hit me hard around 200 lbs, when I'd lost 62... and right now it's hitting me again. I'm at 148 and all my shirts suddenly come down so LOW. Like, they're so long it looks ridiculous. I'm going to have to Goodwill more clothes and go shopping again, but I'm trying to wait til I lose another 10-15. My arms look thin, my waist looks thin. I'm starting to look like one of those Little Petite Girls. It's honestly blowing my mind a little. I was so big for so long... it's nice to feel feminine again. I never felt feminine at a big weight - I know some do but I never did. I love feeling little :)
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I could recognize such things as how my clothes were fitting or more especially… my watch. When I tried to buy new clothes, I could fit in sizes 2 sizes smaller than I was wearing at the beginning. I fit into a pair of jeans that (at least by the number on the label) was the same size I wore in high school…. but I never actually SAW a change until I compared a photo of myself to one I had taken 4 month previously. Those two photos are now my profile pic. That actually made me cry!

    However…even with all of that… I'm still waiting for the day when I can look at my reflection and see myself as thinner. Just this past weekend I was visiting family (most of whom hadn't seen me in 40-45 pounds) and my weight loss was referred to quite a bit. My sister walked in the room where I was fixing my hair one morning and said something like "isn't great to look in the mirror and see less of yourself?" I told her I was still waiting for that moment. Because although I can see it in the pics… I still can't see it in the mirror (this is with a total loss of 72 pounds… I lost 14 before joining MFP).
  • IndiaGuerita1983
    IndiaGuerita1983 Posts: 98 Member
    An MFP friend asked me a good question today, and I thought that this question deserved a post of its own.

    My friend said, "No one will answer this for me. When did you start seeing yourself a thinner women? I've lost 72 lbs from 300 and although I can now wear a size 18 pant from a size 28 my mind will not make the connection! When did you see your changes. I know what my numbers say but my mind isn't there. Any thoughts you can give?"

    Here is my response:

    There were a few special occasions, when I it became very obvious that my body was changing...shrinking.

    The first time was, when my under pants would not stay up; and I had to go from size 13 to size 8 panties. That was also about the time that I looked in the wall mirror and suddenly realized that I could see my pubic mound for the first time in more than 20 years. My belly had been hanging over that area for so long.

    When I finally found the courage to have my hubbie Ed photograph me in my swimsuit, I was shocked by my fat body. I had not been able to see what I actually looked like from the back until then. The follow up pictures gave me the chance to SEE how my body was changing. That's why I encourage folks to take those hard to look at fat photos. They are a God sent in the future to help encourage you.

    Here are a couple of my comparison photos that would not have been possible, if I had not allowed myself to be photographed at a much heavier weight. Photos like these help me to see myself honestly...and also see the changes better.




    The recent eye opener for me was, when I suddenly noticed in bathroom mirror that my neck was really thin; and my shoulders had narrowed...a lot. In fact, I looked like my Mom!!! That was the first time that I saw my tiny Mom in me. I looked more like my Dad's side of the family, folks who were overweight and had double chins, rounded shoulders and fat pads on their upper back.

    Now that my face, neck and shoulders had lost all the excess fat, I could see the shape of my Mom's 'beautiful features' in me. That was the first time that I really liked how I looked in the mirror. Because of my age, I do have some hanging skin on my neck, but I really liked what I see now...a thinner Sue and the reflection of my Mom.

    The most recent revelation of change is kind of silly, but I noticed it. My belly used to be enormous and hung over my thighs. My belly button was a huge 'innie'.

    To avoid infection in that area, I had to clean and dry that deep hole in my belly with a Q-tip after my showers. About a month ago, I went to clean my innie; and the Q-tip would not go IN. The bottom of my innie is now on the surface on my belly...no longer a deep hole in thick layer of fat.

    Sometimes, it isn't the difference in clothing sizes that give you a big revelation about the changes in your body. It is often 'a small change' in how you see yourself...a change that other people might never see or understand.


    So, how about you. When did you start seeing yourself thinner?

    Your before and after pictures are just amazing!!

    I have gone from 279 pounds (my highest recorded weight) to 180 in almost two years. I have a very muscular body type and so I am battling the scale to lose these last 20 pounds until I reach my goal of 160. I don't think I will ever feel "skinny" because of how muscular my body is.

    I notice in many ways the differences of life at 279 pounds versus life at 180 pounds:

    *For one, I am no longer the "fat, kind of cute girl, who could be REALLY pretty if she would just 'take care of herself' and lose a measly 100 pounds".
    * My stomach doesn't touch my steering wheel anymore.
    *My wedding ring spins on my finger.
    *I can't stuff myself with treats at family gatherings and only eat a few bites of my favorite foods.
    *I take care of my hygiene better and I don't spend as much time in the mirror worrying about what people will think of my fat rolls. I also make sure I get out of my gym clothes and into something a little more feminine once in awhile. (I am not a very girly-girl by nature.)
    *I don't worry if I can fit through cramped spaces anymore...I just barrel through - confident that I won't knock anything off the table with my rear end.
    *My joints don't hurt anymore.
    *My blood pressure is down.
    *I don't take any pills anymore for diabetes, depression, anxiety, blood pressure or weight loss.
    *People who I haven't seen in years literally do a double-take and sometimes don't even recognize me.
    *People come to me for fitness advice.
    *Friends and family have been inspired by me and have lost weight.
    *I wear a medium shirt and size 12-14 pants instead of a 3x shirt and 26w pants.
    *My self-esteem is through the roof.
    *I've accepted my stretch marks from having three children and I know that my stomach will never be washboard thin...although I will never keep trying to achieve that goal.

    I will never be thin or skinny. But, I've come to terms with that. I would rather be fit and muscular.

    Great post.

  • marcus1013
    marcus1013 Posts: 7 Member
    I noticed when I started getting compliments from wifey!!
    I was about 20 - 30 pounds down...
    That was really motivating....
  • happypenguin13
    happypenguin13 Posts: 19 Member
    Personally, I haven't had that experience yet, but I can't wait to have it. Hearing all of your stories is so motivating! Congrats OP you look fabulous!
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