Impact of weather on humans appetite

I got into a discussion with my parents this weekend about the impact of weather on a human's appetite. We were talking about how we've all been hungrier the last couple weeks, and the familiar phrase "it's because winter is coming" was uttered.

How much impact does weather have on a human's appetite? It does get quite cold where I live, but since we're indoors, gaining winter fat isn't a necessity for survival. Is the instinct to eat more in the fall still there though?


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    I honestly dont know the reason for it but I also find it much easier to eat more in the colder months. I know we burn more BMR calories when we are cold so tha could be part of it, also even though we dont really need it anymore as a species its kind of hard to overcome instinct so immm sure we still have the desire to gain fat to better insulate our bodies