Cheeseburger confusion please help



  • kender54
    kender54 Posts: 58 Member
    I would log each individual item of the burger instead of trying to log a different restaurant's burger. Log a bun (the kind you think it was), the cheese (the kinda and how large a serving you think that was), and the burger.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Bet youll get fillet o fish next time....
  • science24
    science24 Posts: 42 Member
    So wanting to have it down correct is an issue for you? Maybe you should of kept your comment out of the thread since obviously I did not ask you if I should have ate it, I asked for help trying to get it as close as i possibly could to the right content.

    Everyone else thank you very much for your help
  • science24
    science24 Posts: 42 Member
    lol Bet I will make ti at home the next time
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    Estimate how much of each thing there was and add each ingredient on its own. how big was the patty? probably 5oz if it was a restaurant. so, add 5oz ground beef (about 350 calories would be my guess). it was on a sesame bun? search sesame bun and add that (i would guess about 250 calories there). what kind of cheese? i would search that cheese and add 2oz of it. (probably about 200 calories)

    I would guess the 700 calories is a little low, but it isn't that big of a deal. My estimates when I break down a cheeseburger from a local restaurant is almost always about 800-1000 calories, I just try to eyeball each ingredient and add them on their own instead of trying to find a one size fits all meal in the MFP lists.
  • science24
    science24 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you, yeah the calories didnt worry me to bad as I usually have a good 5 hundred to spare, the sodium worried me a bit lol but it says its around 9 hundred so I figured that sounds about right. or I hope it does anyways lol
  • billr9mm
    billr9mm Posts: 72 Member
    Isn't MFP awesome? It really does raise awareness. You don’t think anything can possibly contain that many calories when in fact it does. Like one of the other posters said just pick a comparable burger from within the MFP database. It does not have to be an exact match, it rarely is. When you first start tracking (especially restaurant food) it’s an eye opening experience. If you are worried about how many calories and sodium you just consumed chock it up to a learning experience and move on.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I'd say 900mg for sodium sounds a bit light. Unfortunately, that's the WORST thing about eating out. Just drink lots of water, and you'll be fine. :) Vitamin C also works as a mild diuretic, so that might help too.
  • science24
    science24 Posts: 42 Member
    Yeah bro it is crazy how I see food now, Like I used to eat a bag of chips a night for snack and after looking them up i realized the bag of chips themselves was over my daily allowance for everything, So everything else I ate was adding to the fat lol Very eye opening.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Yeah bro it is crazy how I see food now, Like I used to eat a bag of chips a night for snack and after looking them up i realized the bag of chips themselves was over my daily allowance for everything, So everything else I ate was adding to the fat lol Very eye opening.

    I really think one reason for Americans being so heavy is a lack of education about nutrition. I had no idea until I first started counting calories that one of my "meals" at times would be more than I needed to eat in a day. I wish nutrition was a required course in schools.
  • science24
    science24 Posts: 42 Member
    I completely agree I wish it was to, Would be much better knowing then not knowing, then it would truly be your choice whether you was over weight or not. As important of a subject as it is it would seem that they would include it right?
  • science24
    science24 Posts: 42 Member
    That is what I am going to do bro This is the only slip up I have had in 43 days and while I did not go over on calories, I have to pretty much eat nothing else to keep under the other stuff so I will learn from this mistake lol
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Also I don't think anyone mentioned this, but most restaurants add butter or oil to the bun when they put it on the griddle. At least all the good restaurants I have been to/worked at... So there may be another source of hidden calories in what is reported on restaurant databases.

    As others have said, I would estimate it and move on. You've had a burger at Applebees or Red Robin, right? Did it seem like one of those burgers? If so, choose it, log it, and move on with your day.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    That is what I am going to do bro This is the only slip up I have had in 43 days and while I did not go over on calories, I have to pretty much eat nothing else to keep under the other stuff so I will learn from this mistake lol

    I looked back at your food diary for the last few days. You are under your goal by about 500 each day. Did you set up your goal in MFP to lose weight, if so, how much? 1 lb/week? 2 lbs/week? Because the deficit is already built into your daily goal if you did that, and so by undercutting by 500 or so each day, you are giving yourself an even bigger deficit, which means not only do you have room for that delicious cheeseburger, you could have added bacon to it, and french fries. Maybe even cheese fries....

    Try looking at a weekly deficit, not a daily one, if it is stressing you out.
  • science24
    science24 Posts: 42 Member
    It is trying to tell me to eat 2500 a day but I cna usually never find enough food to fill it soon as i started eating healthier instead of less I have been able to stay full and still have calories left over, I got it set to 1 pound a week ... I do eat a good bit of mashed potatoes since they seem pretty calorie heavy lol and I eat chicken alot so it usually allows me to have a good bit of calories extra each day.
  • I make my own beefburgers with beef, chillies, onion and spices, served in a bun with cheese and they come to 700 calories.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    It is trying to tell me to eat 2500 a day but I cna usually never find enough food to fill it soon as i started eating healthier instead of less I have been able to stay full and still have calories left over, I got it set to 1 pound a week ... I do eat a good bit of mashed potatoes since they seem pretty calorie heavy lol and I eat chicken alot so it usually allows me to have a good bit of calories extra each day.

    Earlier you said you blew it by eating this cheeseburger and it was the first time in 43 days that you've done that. My point is that you haven't blown anything, you are under your calorie goal every day which means that it is ok to eat that cheeseburger today, don't sweat it. Even if you go over one day, or a couple of days, if you are still under for the week, and you are tracking/logging accurately, you should still lose weight.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    That is what I am going to do bro This is the only slip up I have had in 43 days and while I did not go over on calories, I have to pretty much eat nothing else to keep under the other stuff so I will learn from this mistake lol

    I looked back at your food diary for the last few days. You are under your goal by about 500 each day. Did you set up your goal in MFP to lose weight, if so, how much? 1 lb/week? 2 lbs/week? Because the deficit is already built into your daily goal if you did that, and so by undercutting by 500 or so each day, you are giving yourself an even bigger deficit, which means not only do you have room for that delicious cheeseburger, you could have added bacon to it, and french fries. Maybe even cheese fries....

    Try looking at a weekly deficit, not a daily one, if it is stressing you out.

    with only a 4lb loss in 43 days, i think there are many bigger issues at hand.
    hopefully you listened to advice Op, logged 800 calories and moved on.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Just another thought. It is really helpful to have a food scale. Things like bananas, potatoes, cheese, and such vary in size and weight. It's almost impossible to know what calories to add to your diary when using the entries marked "potato - small or medium" or "banana - medium" or "cheese - 1/2 cup". Those are all things that should be weighed.

    I never believed it would make a difference, but I was shocked how much some things weighed (like peanut butter and potatoes). The scales are not very expensive. I purchased mine for around $20.