Low Carb High Fat Vegan - help

Hey my lovely fitness beauties

This is a very short to the point request, I will elaborate later about my food and exercise past, at present I would like
to receive any nutritional, fun, relatively simple low carb high fat vegan meal ideas.


I'm coming from a HCLF way of eating and I would like to transition to LCHF vegan. As my teeth and gums are receding :sad:

My macro is currently

CARB - 10%
FAT - 25 %

The protein is quite low so I can transition to a kitogenic cycling way of eating (5 days out of 7 kitogenic eating)

I know how to do the HCLF vegan meal plans but I need help with what is the best proteins and fats

I can't eat too much tofu only fermented so temeph is fine, also I'm avoiding salt only pink himalayan, kelp or celery
in small amounts.

I can't wait to hear your ideas for BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER & SNACKS

THANK YOU :happy:


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    How low do you want to go? It is hard to go extremely low carb vegan. High protein vegan foods include soy beans, chia sends, hemp seeds, nuts, collards, spinach, broccoli. For recipes do some vegan searches on Pintrest.
  • i would like to go for as long as i lose weight..

    i have alot to shift

    thanks for your advice, i'll try pinterest although it can be very disorientating

  • I'm a LCHF vegan. It's definitely possible. I don't know what your daily calorie intake is, but I keep my Macros at 10% carb, 65% fat, and 25% protein. I wonder if that's what you meant because 25% fat is way too low and 65% protein is way, way too high. I keep to about 35 g net carb a day and stay in ketosis. But some people need to eat <20 g net carb daily to stay in keto. Use ketone strips to find what works for you.

    My breakfast is the same each morning. Soy Slender chocolate soymilk with 3/4 scoop chocolate rice protein powder with 1 oz peanuts. Total of 8 g net carbs, 17 g fat, and 32 g protein.

    Lunch and dinner varies. For example tonight I scrambled 3 oz tofu with 2 tbsp nutritional yeast and 2 tbsp salsa in 2 tbsp olive oil. Total of 7 g net carbs, 32 g fat, and 17 g protein.

    Other ideas are:
    Zucchini noodles with avocado pesto sauce
    Jicama fries with fried tofu or tempeh
    Lettuce wraps with tofurky and vegan mayo
    "Pot roast" seitan with mashed cauliflower in vegan buttery spread
    Low carb tortilla fajitas with peppers, (small amount of) onions, and avocado
    Cauliflower rice avocado "sushi"
    Low carb veggie stir fry with marinated tempeh
    Coconut milk based curries
    Cauliflower crust pizza with low carb tomato sauce and roasted veggies

    Snacks include:
    Almonds of various flavors
    Fried low carb tortilla, cut into triangles with guacamole and salsa
    Celery with tahini, hummus, or peanut butter dip
    Dark chocolate (90% or greater)
    Paleo Almond Thin crackers and vegan cream cheese

    And of course fat bombs! I just made some with strawberries (1/2 cup for 12 servings), vegan cream cheese, coconut oil, liquid stevia, and vanilla extract. So yummy. There are a ton of recipes for fat bombs out there.

    As a side note, on a ketogenic diet, your body needs salt because a lot of the initial weight loss is fluids. As your body gets rid of extra fluids and your insulin production drops, you will lose a lot of sodium. I disagree with the 5000 mg/day sodium you see in some places, but get around 2000 mg as a minimum. Also increase your water intake to at least 80 oz per day as well. More is better.
  • Thanks sooooo much for taking the time to reply

    yes I meant to write

    CARB - 10%
    FAT - 65 %
    PROTEIN - 25%

    duh :tongue:

    I'm not too keen on consuming processed oils such as coconut and too much tofu I've read in several places isn't
    good for you so tofu would have to be one every two weeks.

    Tempeh is fine as its fermented, I'l try to make my own protein shakes, i'll look at the ingredients for Sun Warrior and see if I can make my own.

    I prefer making my own things I don't want to rely on buying products.

    For my fats I think I need to live on mainly coconut meet and homemade coconut milk
    For proteins its looking like spirulina, chlorella, sprouted pumpkin and sunflower seeds,homemade almond milk and chia seeds.

    I'm still looking for other ideas.

    @md7356 THANK YOU :smile:
  • Okay good, glad that's what you meant. I'm not a huge fan of coconut oil, but MCT help to enter/stay in keto so that's why I include it in my diet. My fats generally come from nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, and coconut products. Eliminating tofu would be extremely hard, as I use it often. I'm not concerned about it though and nothing has been proven negative about tofu. It's been eaten for centuries without disaster.

    Also, almond milk has very little protein. About 1 gram per 8 oz. I wouldn't rely on it for a good protein source.
  • oh okay

    I know soya has been consumed for centuries but I don't think I'm genetically dispositioned to consume it regularly and I don't have access to the good quality soya from the old days.

    Almond milk is good but I just need find a better source of protein
