Hello MFP

i've finally started to take weightloss seriously i've lost all my weight and gained it all back im nearly 18 years old low confidence and self esteem i've always been a sociable guy in school but since i gained weight everyone made fun of me and im sick of it i would really love your support and to have some one too relate to


  • acnoyes
    acnoyes Posts: 151 Member
    Hey there!

    I would like to offer you something I've said to my sons as they were at or about your age and suffered through their own crisis of self worth and lack of confidence -

    You are more important to this world than you can know yet, and more precious to those around you than they can possibly express, and have more potential to live a great and fulfilling life now more than ever in history.

    What bullies say and do can be hurtful, but believe me, the bullies don't amount to much in the end. They fade like jeans in the wash in pretty short order...and only carry the power that you give them. Don't give them any.

    You have taken some pretty important steps already - First, you have committed to something that is important to you and realize that this is a "must" for you. Second, you have reached out to this family of community on this website to find support and connection (which you will find without a doubt!) and now third is up to you to continue with actions that support what you want in life.

    Look inside yourself for strength and determination because that is where it begins. When all else fails, you have yourself and your own inner drive to sustain you. Don't live for others, live for you. By focusing on you, you will ultimately give others the best of yourself without effort.

    Finally, in my dad speech, I would say to you that you have unlimited options right now that may be overwhelming at first, but embrace them. Many of us "old" folks here would love to rewind the clock and have the same opportunity at life again with the wisdom we've earned over the years. Ask question, be open to receive the answers, and realize that honoring someone else's perspective with thoughtful consideration is the greatest gift you can give yourself to shape the way you want to live. (Not saying we're always right, but at least you'll see things from a different viewpoint now and again and see if it makes any sense to you and how you want to live.)

    Best of luck here and keep us updated!

  • lim12371
    lim12371 Posts: 6 Member

    I'm Judy. I hear your sadness and frustration. There is hope for you and it starts today. Right now. You acknowledged that you have an issue and you show that you want to do something. That shows determination. You're strong. Visualize that word in your mind. STRONG. Make incremental changes to your lifestyle and i believe in nutrition and fitness. You signed up on this website. Use it. You've set up your personal information with your age, height, weight, all of that. Now you enter everything you eat. Enter all your exercise or lack of. Do this every single day and don't miss a day. You'll understand what is happening by looking at the numbers on the food section. You can estimate the exercise calories expended, whatever. Just estimate. Subscribe to magazines that are health and fitness related. Join a gym and find a good personal trainer. I would suggest Orange Theory or 24 Hour Fitness. Find new hobbies (active) and new, supportive friends will come with it. Have fun while being active. Start there and keep us updated with your progress.

    Warmest hugs and wishing positive thoughts your way!
    Stay determined!