I'm not losing anymore weight!

I started counting calories and working out at the beginning of August. In the first 2 weeks I lost about 5 lbs. Since then, I haven't lost anymore weight. I'm following MFP recommendations and only eating 1200 calories a day, with the exception of some days. I work out about 3 times a week. I do about 20 minutes of the ellipical trainer (on the 'Fat Burner' setting) and do weight training for about 30-40 mins after that. Does anyone have any tips or advice as to how I can boost my weight loss? What has worked for you? Are you taking any supplements to boost weight loss?
I'm 25 years old. 5'0" and 130lbs.


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I'm guessing you don't have much to lose, have it set to 2lbs/week, and your calorie goal is too aggressive for your goals. You should really have it down to .5 to 1lb per week loss. I would highly suggest upping your calories, and eating some exercise calories back. You probably aren't netting a healthy amount with your current calorie goals, coupled with your exercise routine.

    Also, weight loss isn't linear each week. You will have "gains" of water weight some days, and small drops or plateaus during others.

    (Edit) Just saw your stats! Yes, definitely up them a little.
    I'm 5'4, around 128-130, and I lose with a daily goal of around 1,500-1,600 with my loss set at .5lb/week. Yours would probably be a bit lower than mine, since I have 4" on you, but definitely adjust your weekly weight loss goals, and make sure you are netting a good amount every day.
  • run2bfree
    run2bfree Posts: 108 Member
    more cardio. change up your weight & reps when lifting. make sure you are drinking lots of water too. at 5 foot, 130lbs, you are about my height and ideally would want to be in the 120 range? Keep in mind, muscle weights more than fat. Do yourself a favor, measure and don't worry about the number on the scale... trust me. it will keep you sane.. :) good luck!
  • Vaherrera
    Thank you for the reply, I guess I'll have to make some changes! :)
  • Vaherrera
    more cardio. change up your weight & reps when lifting. make sure you are drinking lots of water too. at 5 foot, 130lbs, you are about my height and ideally would want to be in the 120 range? Keep in mind, muscle weights more than fat. Do yourself a favor, measure and don't worry about the number on the scale... trust me. it will keep you sane.. :) good luck!
    Thanks for the response, run2bfree! How much cardio do you recommend and for how long? Right now I'm doing about 20 mins 3 times a week. Should I change up the cardio routine as well? I love the ellipical, but it can get repetitive :\
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I suggest that if you think you're eating 1200 calories a day AND working out and not seeing a loss, somehow you're eating at your maintenance level.

    I'd also suggest investing in a food scale and logging EVERY SINGLE bite you eat, including condiments and preparation ingredients.

    Somehow, something isn't adding up, you just have to find what it is.

    Good luck :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your food to make sure your actually eating at a deficit ? Are you eating back your workout calories ? If so, how are you determining your burns ?
    Also, it looks like you probably don't have a lot to lose. So what are your calories set at?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    What does "with the exception of some days" mean?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Where's the diary? How do you track your calories?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    The closer you get to goal, the more crucial your deficit be exact. Weighing and measuring??? What do you mean some of the days??
  • Vaherrera
    Are you weighing and measuring your food to make sure your actually eating at a deficit ? Are you eating back your workout calories ? If so, how are you determining your burns ?
    Also, it looks like you probably don't have a lot to lose. So what are your calories set at?

    I dont weigh anything out. I try to eat back my workout calories; I log my exercise in MFP and go off that to determine how many calories I've burned. However, I've read that MFP shoots pretty high with calories burned. So I try to stay a little under that too.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your food to make sure your actually eating at a deficit ? Are you eating back your workout calories ? If so, how are you determining your burns ?
    Also, it looks like you probably don't have a lot to lose. So what are your calories set at?

    I dont weigh anything out. I try to eat back my workout calories; I log my exercise in MFP and go off that to determine how many calories I've burned. However, I've read that MFP shoots pretty high with calories burned. So I try to stay a little under that too.

    I just found your problem. You're eating too much.
  • Vaherrera
    What does "with the exception of some days" mean?

    I'd say there's about one day during the week where I go over my calories anywhere from 85-100.

    I log my food intake through MFP.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    I found this post very helpful:

    Only anecdotal but, so far, I seem to plateau for a week or two every 4-5 lbs down. After 10 lbs down, I stopped losing for 3 weeks. When I started doing a protein shake (whey protein) each day to hit my macro and drinking more water, the weight started coming off again. I have no idea if the protein thing is relevant or if it was just coincidental.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    go get a food scale
  • Vaherrera
    Are you weighing and measuring your food to make sure your actually eating at a deficit ? Are you eating back your workout calories ? If so, how are you determining your burns ?
    Also, it looks like you probably don't have a lot to lose. So what are your calories set at?

    I dont weigh anything out. I try to eat back my workout calories; I log my exercise in MFP and go off that to determine how many calories I've burned. However, I've read that MFP shoots pretty high with calories burned. So I try to stay a little under that too.

    I dont use a scale. I measure my food out before eating it. I could try a scale if that tends to be more accurate.

    I just found your problem. You're eating too much.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your food to make sure your actually eating at a deficit ? Are you eating back your workout calories ? If so, how are you determining your burns ?
    Also, it looks like you probably don't have a lot to lose. So what are your calories set at?

    I dont weigh anything out. I try to eat back my workout calories; I log my exercise in MFP and go off that to determine how many calories I've burned. However, I've read that MFP shoots pretty high with calories burned. So I try to stay a little under that too.

    I dont use a scale. I measure my food out before eating it. I could try a scale if that tends to be more accurate.

    I just found your problem. You're eating too much.

    Measure your liquids, weigh your solids. It's very easy to overshoot portions when you're not weighing. I dunno how I'd jam a measuring cup in a bucket of ice cream :)
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Food scale, for sure.
    Will be a huge eye opener.
  • raysputin
    raysputin Posts: 142 Member
    You MUST weigh and log EVERYTHING that you eat and drink. Humans are notorious for underestimating small weights and hence their calorie intake. There are small electronic kitchen scales for sale cheap on the 'net. Mine weighs up to 10Kgs in gramme increments, has a "tare" setting and cost less than 20 bucks postage included.

    Once you have started weighing and logging everything, you need to be disciplined/motivated enough to stick to your dietary regimen. Discipline, discipline, discipline -discipline in weighing, logging and eating. If you don't have enough discipline; give up - you don't want it bad enough yet. If you are weighing and logging but still not losing weight it is because you don't want it bad enough to make the necessary adjustments to your food intake - voice of experience talking.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your food to make sure your actually eating at a deficit ? Are you eating back your workout calories ? If so, how are you determining your burns ?
    Also, it looks like you probably don't have a lot to lose. So what are your calories set at?

    I dont weigh anything out. I try to eat back my workout calories; I log my exercise in MFP and go off that to determine how many calories I've burned. However, I've read that MFP shoots pretty high with calories burned. So I try to stay a little under that too.

    I dont use a scale. I measure my food out before eating it. I could try a scale if that tends to be more accurate.

    I just found your problem. You're eating too much.

    Definitely invest in one. The food manufacturer's definition of a cup is likely different than your measuring cup. Weighing is accurate because it doesn't change.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your food to make sure your actually eating at a deficit ? Are you eating back your workout calories ? If so, how are you determining your burns ?
    Also, it looks like you probably don't have a lot to lose. So what are your calories set at?

    I dont weigh anything out. I try to eat back my workout calories; I log my exercise in MFP and go off that to determine how many calories I've burned. However, I've read that MFP shoots pretty high with calories burned. So I try to stay a little under that too.

    I dont use a scale. I measure my food out before eating it. I could try a scale if that tends to be more accurate.

    I just found your problem. You're eating too much.

    Measure your liquids, weigh your solids. It's very easy to overshoot portions when you're not weighing. I dunno how I'd jam a measuring cup in a bucket of ice cream :)

    You can use it as an ice cream scoop. 1 cup, 2 cup, 3 cup, 4 cup.