Ever been asked if you are pregnant but you weren't ....?



  • superexcellently
    superexcellently Posts: 25 Member
    I think it's strange someone would even ask, well, maybe a friend or family member. I mean I don't think it's any of my bloody business if someone is pregnant unless they bring it up. (I'm not the maternal type, so maybe that's why I think like this)

    Someone asked my mum if she was pregnant, she's fifty three, with grey hair and very skinny except from her stomach which is hugely bloated from medication.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    every time i visit my mum shes rubs my stomach and says awwww baby. cant get mad at her, she has vascular alzhimers and some days thats the only words shes spoken all day
    That's heartwrenching. How lucky she is to have you.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    So I gained my weight super super fast after high school. Between 16 and 18 I probably gained 85lbs (and another 20 or so after that) so to people who saw me at work on a regular basis, I guess it made sense I was pregnant, especially since I carry my weight in the middle more so than anywhere else.

    Mortifying as a 17 year old to be asked when I'm due. And then I had a few people tell me that it was ok to be scared and not to be ashamed after I told them I wasn't. Looking back I totally get why they thought it, it just sucked at the time. Of course, it took me another six years to realize I could and should do something to change it. I haven't gotten the comment in years, thankfully.
  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    Yes... Many times. :( It's always embarassing.