I need to say this



  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Well done and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Consider that the reason you're sitting at 371 is because you lost 13 lbs in a month! Wow! Your body is designed for one thing: Survival. Eat too much, and it stores everything to use later. Eat too little, and your body thinks the famine you've been prepping for has hit. 13 lbs in a month is too much, if you want to get technical about it, too much because the rate triggers your body's calorie hoarding skills. But...I've lost 15 in a month so I know how freaking awesome it feels :)

    I have a slightly different viewpoint to offer. I agree exercise is important, but more important than exercise are two things: the math of eating and water. You don't HAVE to exercise to lose weight, and I don't know about you, but when I was 300 lbs and super morbidly obese (there's a frigging horrific term I lived with) working out felt horrible. Absolutely. Stone. Cold. Horrible. Oh sure I'd feel good about myself for a little while, but the backlash to my body, gravity, mass, jumping, sweating, all that great stuff, never REALLY felt good. I never had endorphins...I just thought I did. It wasn't until I got past the 80 lbs down mark that working out felt unbelievably good, better than I ever thought possible. THAT was endorphin release. I get psyched about working out, WHILE I'm working out. It doesn't hurt even at the worst burn, like it hurt 100 lbs ago. Go easy on yourself :)

    So rather than beat yourself up about the exercising, try focusing on this:

    Go to http://www.caloriecontrol.org/healthy-weight-tool-kit/weight-maintenance-calculator-women and see what your body is actually burning per day to operate. As long as you consume under that number, you will steadily lose weight. 3500 calories = 1 lbs. So 500 calories a day in deficit means you lose 1 lb this week.

    But remember that losing too fast will cause hoarding. I'm 200 lbs, and my number is 2400 calories a day to maintain. I eat 1200 - 1500 calories, and have a few days of "really enjoying myself" so I come out to about 1600 per day ...I lose about a pound and a half a week when i'm being consistent. if I hit a plateau, or don't drink enough water, or eat oddly salty foods, yes, it stalls, but only for a week or two, then it comes off. The numbers are never wrong!

    Don't stress about the exercise. It will come. As you lose weight, you're going to be ROARING with energy and can't sit still. It happens to me all the time and I'm still surprised by it.

    Don't believe popular opinion that you can only lose weight with exercise involved. It's about the math.

    Oh, and if you don't drink enough water, your body can't dispose of the fat it's burning. Over drink water, and keep an eye on your caloric intake, and it'll melt off.

    Your plateau is just your body's way of saying "hold on...what's going on??" Keep it steady and consistent.
  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    Start small and work your way up with workouts. Don't try to do so much at once and then little by little you will see that you do have the time and energy to achieve your goal. If you try to add to much at once it can become to much which makes it easier to give up.

    Set small goals for yourself instead of looking at the end result.

    Also, I have found that eating cleaner (meaning more whole foods, less processed etc) help a lot. Less chemicals your putting in your body is always a good thing.

    If you ever need ideas on workouts, recipes etc just ask away.

  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I agree with the others...13 lbs in a months is AWESOME! I did not weight quite as much as you but was still OBESE. I have lost 90 lbs. Just keep in mind...you did not put the weight on overnight...it will not come off overnight. I think sometimes people go into losing weight wanting to get it off FAST and then get discouraged when that doesn't happen. Break it down into small attainable goals...for example 10 lbs by Valentines Day, 40 lbs by spring...that kind of thing. I knew going in it would be well over a year for me to meet my goal. I'm hoping by Sept (my 57th birthday). Also, yes you need exercise but you might need to take small steps. And even if you don't get exercise in every day in the beginning if you are eating within your calories you will lose. Good luck...please don't get discouraged.

  • sstewart36
    you are doing good keep it up.
  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    doesn't sound like you need a wake up call to me. you are right on track darling! you didn't gain all that weight in a day and you will not lose it in a day. you have taken such great steps already! be proud of yourself for that! Whenever you need motivation, look at your kiddos. or, come here and talk to us.
  • NikkiLynn76
    I was ok the first week with exercise. I did the 30 day shred level one every other day for the first week. Well like three times. Then I hated it and had some family issues, as well. So I stopped. I bought myself the biggest loser workout video for Christmas and I have been doing the ten minute workouts. Yesterday I did two of them, cardio 1 and upper body. My "plan" is to do at least one of the ten minute workouts in the morning and the 30 day shred each night when the kids are home from school and can entertain my little one (she can not be confined in anything! Haha!)

    I completely cut soda out of my eating. I have not had but one drink (caved on Christmas eve) of Dr. pepper in almost four weeks. And when I caved, it was gross. I ate badly Christmas eve but not over my calories. I WILL do this.

    I love water so that's a plus. I am seriously considering a deep freeze and buying a ton of chicken when it's on sale. I'm a picky eater so it's hard. I don't like fish and I don't like rice, and that's what a lot of people suggest. So I'm sticking to a few meals for now that I know are good.

    Thank you for all the kind words. They really hit and help.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    You are definitely on the right track to getting healthier, Congrats for taking the leap! You will find much support on this site. Welcome!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Just want to further reinforce the" you've lost over 13lbs in a month!" part. That's amazing! Don't get discouraged if you don't have the will to exercise everyday. Be proud of the fact that you've kept you're eating on track, and remind yourself of all the will power and time it took to do that.

    Sometimes for me if I really don't feel up to a workout I put on some upbeat music and dance around as I clean. It energizes me more than a double shot of espresso. I find after that I just have the energy to move, and then I actually want to work out =)

    Just keep going! You've already made so much progress, 14lbs is a LOT, especially for one month. You're strong, and you can do it! We're here for you =D
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    You've got this!!! 13 pounds thus far is GREAT!!! Sometimes when I'm beat and don't want to go to the gym I'll look at other people's exercise logs and get ideas like moving furniture or cleaning. Sounds weird but I've gotten good cardio messing up my apartment and then cleaning it again!
  • NikkiLynn76
    I did a lot of cleaning yesterday, on my knees scrubbing floors. I didn't count it but I know I did it. Lots of moving around. I also find myself stretching and moving a lot more than I normally would. Even if I'm sitting down I will do things.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    You're doing WONDERFUL already!! Congrats! Also that you cut pop out, that's such a great thing. I also did that and that was how I lost twenty pounds, coupled with thirty minutes of exercise daily. Throughout this year, there was a lot of stress, and I gained those twenty back. Now I'm here again trying to get them off once more. But keep up the good work!
  • labrat26
    labrat26 Posts: 60 Member
    I think you are making HUGE progress......over Christmas....13 lb's???? TOTALLY incredible. It also sounds like you are really pushing to do the workouts....Even a walk around the block in the fresh air can be beneficial, even for your mood. You are a special person, and every one deserves to feel good about themselves. Self esteem is so important, and you will find many great supportive friends here at this site....Welcome, you found a good place for encouragement.