Insanity / P90X?

Hey there - I just started both Insanity (week 3) and P90X (week 2). Just wondering if there is anyone else out there going through the same pains!

Wonder if anyone else has any tips/tricks too! :)

If you're doing either workout, please feel free to add me. Always nice to meet others to keep motivated!


  • I'm currently doing the P90X/Insanity plan from the beachbody website, with a slight modification (I replace Yoga X for more Insanity cardio - either the core cardio and balance or the pure cardio one - simply because I'm not a fan of yoga).

    So far so good, it's nice to have a bit of variety, and also puts use to my push up bars / dumbells and resistance bands that were gathering dust!
  • Awesome :)

    Yeah, I went into Yoga X thinking it would be a nice relaxing day. I think it hurt more than some of Tony's other workouts!

    I like the cardio aspect of Insanity but I definitely want to build some muscle too - starting the P90X I could do exactly one military pushup and zero diamond push ups, haha!