Filling foods

Im looking for some low calorie foods that really fill me up.

When i did weight watchers a few years ago i could eat a can of refried beans for three points (24 points daily) and that REALLY filled me up. I looked at the calories and they seemed too many to eat for that amount (i dont recall how many though). Im going to pick up some popcorn, that seems to be low calorie and might fill me up.

Im the type of person whom never seems full.

Let me know what you are eating, please!



  • laceyf53
    laceyf53 Posts: 110 Member
    My husband has been adding psyllium fiber to most everything these days, it will thicken your food and fill you up very quickly. The most recent meal was ground lean turkey patties, where he added psyllium fiber to the patties themselves and we ate them with cabbage. I think I forced down about 300 calories and then I was full.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Veggies veggies veggies. I'm also the type of person who never feels full. I'm addicted to chinese food, found a way around it by making my own veggie stir fry almost every day now. I'll slice up a whole small or medium zucchini, mushrooms, sugar snap peas, cauliflower. Sometimes i'll add in tofu. Saute it with your favorite sauce (there are a lot of low calorie recipes if you google em), serve over one serving of rice. Voila. Huge plate of food for less cals. Sometimes it's so much I have to eat half, then eat the other half later at night as a snack before bed (I get baaad food cravings late at night). If you don't like stir fries, my recommendation is just to take a food you like, tweak it so it's low calorie.

    Also water. I always drink a glass or two of water before I eat.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    My lunches as of lately have been really filling (for me). I'm eating 12 oz. packages of watermelon chunks and ReadySnax packs (both from Albertson's markets).

    My favorite Ready Snax are the Fruit, Cheese, and Flatbread Crackers, and the Carrots, Grapes, and Cheese with Pretzels. The bread products give me that "end of lunch snack" type boost that I used to fill with chips from work's snack bin, and the fruit keeps me alert... and REALLY helps with the nasty heat wave that's going on right now.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    if you drink smoothies for brekky, add chia seeds, they thicken it up a bit and bugger all calories in em.