Weight loss after Anorexia

Hi guys, I need some mega help in regards to losing weight after Anorexia. I am struggling big time with even maintaining my weight because I just seem so gain and feel terrible about my body. I run 10k's or go to the gym every day and I am a waitress and bar attendant so I' m on my feet most of the day as well. I eat as healthily as I can without being restrictive and I just seem to gain. What is going on?! I am 5ft8 and I don't weight myself because I don't like numbers. Any advise would be awesome.


  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I mean this as nicely as possible, but if you have struggled with Anorexia in the past and you are currently having any food/weight related anxiety you need to seek help from a professional.

    I wish you luck in your journey.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Trying to lose weight after anorexia should only be done under the careful monitoring of your doctor / dietitian.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I doubt you're going to find the level of quality help and advise you may need on mfp :c Have you spoken with your doctor?
  • alcrisp93
    Fellow ED sufferer here.

    They're right, you should be seeking help from a professional. Weight loss during/after recovery from anorexia can be dangerous and make it hard for you to get out of the tricky head space that anorexia leaves you with. If it's possible, seek professional help from both medical doctors and counselors/therapists to aid you in your recovery. That's going to be the most important thing. More important than weight loss.

    That said, depending how long you've been in recovery, your body might still be in the sort of refeeding period. Once you stop restricting and begin eating more healthy amounts of food, its very likely that you'll gain weight. To qualify as anorexic means to fall into a certain bmi range. (the bmi is a shaky, untrustworthy tool, but I'll reference it here anyway) Most of the time, when people fall into that bmi range, they're under the weight range that would be considered healthy for their frame/height. Being underweight can be/is dangerous and often leads to many health issues. If your body is putting on weight in recovery, it's possibly weight that your body needs to reach a healthier place. Weight gain in recovery from anorexia is VERY common. (I'd almost go so far as to say universal, but there's probably an outlier somewhere) For a lot of people, it's very necessary in order to achieve health.

    It sounds like you're very active and trying to eat healthily, so I would try (I know it's hard) not to focus on the weight gain for now. Seek professional help, and keep eating. You're doing really well to get this far <3 Be proud of yourself.
  • kat_kay58
    I had anorexia i seem to get slammed on here alot my DR said i was good and healthy and this is no need for me to be treated. I am currently trying to loose weight in a healthy way but people here still say get help, cant get help when your told you dont need it im 115 and my DR said its healthy i asked her about a weight of 107 she said its still healthy for me im goal weight is 107. And for the people who keep stalking my post all the time leave me alone.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I had anorexia i seem to get slammed on here alot my DR said i was good and healthy and this is no need for me to be treated. I am currently trying to loose weight in a healthy way but people here still say get help, cant get help when your told you dont need it im 115 and my DR said its healthy i asked her about a weight of 107 she said its still healthy for me im goal weight is 107. And for the people who keep stalking my post all the time leave me alone.

    I'm not picking at you, I have never seen your posts before.... but if the folks on MFP are not being 'nice' to you, maybe, just maybe it is because you are talking about losing more weight when you can clearly see ribs in the after pic in your profile. :flowerforyou: If you don't want the internet world to make comments, don't give them stuff to comment about. Make your profile viewable by friends only.
    That being said... you need a new doctor. Just my "mom" opinion.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    OP... I concur with the others who say, please seek the help of a professional and not the help of a bunch of internet folks. I wish you the best.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You don't weigh yourself, but you're still worrying about weight and as of May of this year wanting to lose 5kg? Everything in this post screams that "after" is not the right descriptive word for your relationship with eating disorders and that you're not recovered.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I had anorexia i seem to get slammed on here alot my DR said i was good and healthy and this is no need for me to be treated. I am currently trying to loose weight in a healthy way but people here still say get help, cant get help when your told you dont need it im 115 and my DR said its healthy i asked her about a weight of 107 she said its still healthy for me im goal weight is 107. And for the people who keep stalking my post all the time leave me alone.

    This is the first time I've seen you post and I doubt you'll think what I'm about to type is friendly. Your profile states "Hello im Kat i'v recently been loosing weight an unhealthy way i went from 129 to 115 in 2 months now im planing to loose 8 more pounds and i will be at my goal weight of 107." Your quote is "Keep calm and starve on; keep calm and stand alone when no one will stand by you". The person you should get mad at is yourself ... not at those who only notice the obvious ED indicative things you say.