
please how can one stay committed to my fitness pal inorder to reach the required weight loss goal?


  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    You gotta want it bad enough. There is a HUGE support system on here to help answer all questions and give you the nudge you need to get (and keep!) going. :bigsmile:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You just do it. Logging in your food and exercise every day becomes a habit and then it doesn't seem like so much work. It's just another part of your routine.

    For me, this site is the best thing ever. Before I came here I was undereating because like many people, I thought I had to burn tons of calories from exercise while cutting the calories I consumed. this site keeps me from undereating and from overeating. And because I log every day I'm able to hold myself accountable for what I do or don't eat because I see on my computer screen in black and white.
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Don't be afraid to ask for help. There's a lot of people working towards similar goals here and at other sites. Ultimately, though, you have to make the commitment to do it, and it's not easy. The best advice I can give is to start small. Decide on one or two small changes you can make in your life that won't make you feel overwhelmed. Stick with them until they're habit, then build on that. Start just by logging calories, for example. Don't worry so much about reducing your intake right away, just get used to logging things. Watch your habits, see where your problem areas are. With exercise, I often see the advice to just commit to 10 minutes a day, but do it.

    Welcome, and you can do it!
  • MTLumps
    MTLumps Posts: 82 Member
    Find some buddies, find some ideas that really appeal to you and that you will stick to, and never beat yourself up when you back slide - we are all human and not perfect! :smile: You can friend me if you like. This is the best site I've found for friends who pay attention to what is going on with you and are willing to help keep you motivated. You can do this!!