Anyone else constantly change their goals?



  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Also here are some guidelines that we use at work when setting goals. I think its also helpful when setting them for life (although the time bound part might not be as relevant).

  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Goals should be changed when they've been accomplished or the deadline has passed and you need to reevaluate.
    Changing goals along the way means you never experience victory.
    Better to set smaller more attainable goals (still "stretch" though), hit them, acknowledge/celebrate (doesn't have to be a big thing, but make it a conscious thing), then make new goals based on where you want to go next.
    Google 'moving the goalposts' for more info on why this is not a recommended practice.
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    I change mine a lot too.. I also weigh everyday. Sometimes its frustrating when I hit plateaus but I have managed to stay in check!!

    That's what I am scared of, it's easy now because I have SO much to lose but once I start hitting a plateau maybe I will lay off the scale :)
  • tar0809
    tar0809 Posts: 122 Member
    I think a lot of people do. I know I do, at first I was just worried about losing weight and I had set my goal to get to 110lbs, now for about 5/6 months I've changed my mind about what I want. I have reached my first goal of getting down to 110lbs but I've set another goal to reach 105lbs. I'm not too focused on weight loss anymore though but what I want is to lose overall body fat % and to get strong, cut, and just lots of muscles and all that good stuff!!
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    My goal originally was to lose the 7lbs I gained on holiday. I did that, & then I decided I wanted to complete some sort of fitness challenge so I started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I have 2 and a half weeks left of that and have now decided that when I complete it I want to start heavy lifting and improve my strength. I'm planning on starting Stronglifts 5x5 when I finish!

    So basically I've gone from wanting to lose weight to wanting to gain strength (& not caring if I put on a few lbs in the process!) in the space of the last 4 months! :)
  • tar0809
    tar0809 Posts: 122 Member
    My goal originally was to lose the 7lbs I gained on holiday. I did that, & then I decided I wanted to complete some sort of fitness challenge so I started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I have 2 and a half weeks left of that and have now decided that when I complete it I want to start heavy lifting and improve my strength. I'm planning on starting Stronglifts 5x5 when I finish!

    So basically I've gone from wanting to lose weight to wanting to gain strength (& not caring if I put on a few lbs in the process!) in the space of the last 4 months! :)

    Yes exactly. This right here!!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    In the beginning, I set a goal to lose 56 pounds which would put me at 125. When I hit 130, I changed my goal to 120...I'm still working on getting there. :) After I maintain that for a while, I will see if I want to lose more or just be a happy 120...I may just want to get to 119...Just because. :)
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I change my goals all the time. I do whatever it takes to get myself motivated. I am a goal *kitten*.

    I change my weight loss goals from 1/2 lb to 2 lbs to 1 lb, at least once a month to see what works for me during that period. As long as Im eating at a deficit, it isn't hurting at all just slowing things down.

    I change my workout goals, daily 10k step walks turn into 3x per week 10k step walks, to just take the stupid dog for 1 walk a day! Anything it takes to get me out of the house and moving.

    I change my weigh in goals to "Dont weigh daily" to "well weigh daily but dont log it every day" to "ok but only log the losses!"

    I change my targets from 50lbs by Christmas, to 25lbs by Christmas, to "Id be happy to see the freaking scale move this week"

    So yea, My goals are very flexible :P
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I try to do lots of mini goals for myself. My MFP ticker shows my main goal, but I'm sure even that will change as I get closer to it.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have constantly changed goals on MFP, but my overall end goals haven't changed much. Although I do think I want to get down to 155 instead of 160. Not sure, I just want a low enough body fat to have really good definition before I bulk up!

    I'm the same goal right now is 165. Although I hear a healthy weight for a woman my height (5'8) is probably between 140 and 155. But I have a tendancy to not look very good at 155. My face starts looking gaunt and my ribs start poking out. From the waist down I look fantastic though! Anyway - when I get to my goal I'll assess the situation.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I try not to change my goals, but rather tweak them only when needed. I think it can be quite easy to overwhelm yourself with constant changes, and slower ones tend to allow the habits a better opportunity to stick, at least for me. Of course if there's something fundamentally wrong, I would not be afraid of making a radical change, but just would not try to do it all the time.

    At the moment, I've been giving some thought to my own goals, as the present 38lb loss goal you see in my ticker is not high enough, and I need to revise it to probably 45lbs. I think there can be a good time to make changes though, and psychologically I'm holding off for a bit revising my goal upwards, until I get closer to it.

    So basically, my view would be to make sure goals are fit for purpose, and if/ when changing them to do so when its best to do so. At least that has been what's worked for me :)
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    Good call! I think I will stick to my first weight loss/fitness goals and once I achieve them go from there! :) I just hate trying to figure out what my weight loss goal is. because I know I am pretty happy at 170, but I'm 5'9" that's still considered overweight haha. So I am wondering 160? lower? 140-150 is considered ideal for my height but I don't think I could even imagine that. haha
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Good call! I think I will stick to my first weight loss/fitness goals and once I achieve them go from there! :) I just hate trying to figure out what my weight loss goal is. because I know I am pretty happy at 170, but I'm 5'9" that's still considered overweight haha. So I am wondering 160? lower? 140-150 is considered ideal for my height but I don't think I could even imagine that. haha

    So, go to 170, then reassess.