Gym Rant- Impatient People and the Squat Rack



  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    It always amazes me when people just stand there waiting for equipment. I don't get why you can't go do something else -- while keeping an eye on the equipment you're waiting for (and if the person who is using the equipment is nice they will politely tell people that someone else is using it after them -- and work in a set of something else.

    My husband and I were using the cable machine one day -- both sides which typically a lot of people do -- and this one guy was just hovering watching us. He didn't ask if we were almost done, didn't say a word. He was just standing there. Staring. Then he'd walk away for a minute and come back. And just stand there. Finally he left (we saw him another day doing that to someone else and came to the conclusion that that's his thing).

    Anyway, I typically go to the gym knowing what equipment I'm going to use for my workouts. If it's a dumbbell day and the dumbbell area is full then I'll use the cables or something else or I'll do a warm up set and keep my eye on equipment that's being used and when it's vacant I'll take it. There have been plenty of times I've had to alter my workout because something I wanted to use was occupied.

    It's really not that difficult. But maybe I'm just odd.

    I think it depends on your workout. For example, if I'm doing squats - I have to do them first. I can't do something before as it'll fatigue my legs. Having a lot of extra weight while squatting - I need my legs to be fresh. So yes, it is extremely irritating when guys are doing ARMS in the squat rack. Last week this older gentleman was doing shoulder shrugs then he'd do some random set of dumbbells. My workout is virtually at a standstill until it free's up.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Reason #184 why I invested in lifting equipment for my house. The gym sucks. I never have to wait for a machine or deal with pushy people. It's just me, myself, and I in the comfort of my own home wearing as little as possible. It's pretty great. :)

    Everyone doesn't have:

    1. Space
    2. The initial investment

    So suggesting a home gym isn't an option. Like I said before, the guy would have waited.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    It always amazes me when people just stand there waiting for equipment. I don't get why you can't go do something else -- while keeping an eye on the equipment you're waiting for (and if the person who is using the equipment is nice they will politely tell people that someone else is using it after them -- and work in a set of something else.

    My husband and I were using the cable machine one day -- both sides which typically a lot of people do -- and this one guy was just hovering watching us. He didn't ask if we were almost done, didn't say a word. He was just standing there. Staring. Then he'd walk away for a minute and come back. And just stand there. Finally he left (we saw him another day doing that to someone else and came to the conclusion that that's his thing).

    Anyway, I typically go to the gym knowing what equipment I'm going to use for my workouts. If it's a dumbbell day and the dumbbell area is full then I'll use the cables or something else or I'll do a warm up set and keep my eye on equipment that's being used and when it's vacant I'll take it. There have been plenty of times I've had to alter my workout because something I wanted to use was occupied.

    It's really not that difficult. But maybe I'm just odd.

    I think it depends on your workout. For example, if I'm doing squats - I have to do them first. I can't do something before as it'll fatigue my legs. Having a lot of extra weight while squatting - I need my legs to be fresh. So yes, it is extremely irritating when guys are doing ARMS in the squat rack. Last week this older gentleman was doing shoulder shrugs then he'd do some random set of dumbbells. My workout is virtually at a standstill until it free's up.

    Kettle squats.
    Put the curl bar (weighted) on your back and do lunges.
    DB jumping squats.

    You're fine. Get to the gym earlier next time. Or you know, squat outside the rack.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.

    Totally agree,but this fella wasn't really in the talking mood and was aggressive from the very beginning. He really didn't like it when I told him I had 2 more sets to go. Normally I am the first to offer someone to let them work in, but I really didn't like his attitude.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Could you finish with the rant already OP... it's my turn to rant already dammit.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.

    Totally agree,but this fella wasn't really in the talking mood and was aggressive from the very beginning. He really didn't like it when I told him I had 2 more sets to go. Normally I am the first to offer someone to let them work in, but I really didn't like his attitude.

    Then **** him. He can do something else.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.

    Totally agree,but this fella wasn't really in the talking mood and was aggressive from the very beginning. He really didn't like it when I told him I had 2 more sets to go. Normally I am the first to offer someone to let them work in, but I really didn't like his attitude.

    Then **** him. He can do something else.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Could you finish with the rant already OP... it's my turn to rant already dammit.

    Go for it haha, what really grinds your gears?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.

    Totally agree,but this fella wasn't really in the talking mood and was aggressive from the very beginning. He really didn't like it when I told him I had 2 more sets to go. Normally I am the first to offer someone to let them work in, but I really didn't like his attitude.

    Then **** him. He can do something else.

    My thoughts exactly.

    Is that a sword from Halo, or a Mass relay from Mass Effect?
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.

    Totally agree,but this fella wasn't really in the talking mood and was aggressive from the very beginning. He really didn't like it when I told him I had 2 more sets to go. Normally I am the first to offer someone to let them work in, but I really didn't like his attitude.

    Then **** him. He can do something else.

    My thoughts exactly.

    Is that a sword from Halo, or a Mass relay from Mass Effect?

    From Mass Effect, easily one of my favorite games
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    I thought that was the slinger, but wasn't 100% sure.

    BTW, Destiny captures that hot shooter feel of ME, imo.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I thought that was the slinger, but wasn't 100% sure.

    BTW, Destiny captures that hot shooter feel of ME, imo.

    Nice I godda check it out, I heard it was a hit.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.

    I think working in is viable for squats, but not bench exercises - it takes too much time to completely wipe down the bench between sets (that is 3-5 times usually) and I don't really want to lie in someone else's sweat just to be a nice guy and save them a few minutes, sorry.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Our gym is tiny with only 2 treadmills, so often they're in use and I don't mind waiting/using other machines until they're vacant.

    But once, me and my hubby were using up both treadmills, being 2 people and all, and a guy came in, wandered around the gym, stood behind us, wandered some more. Flipped the channels on the TV for 8 minutes (I checked my timer), got on the elliptical VERY half-heartedly, then got off and left before we were even done lol. And we only run for 20 minutes, so it's not like we were hogging them!

    His impatience was palpable, even though he didn't say anything (or if he did, I had headphones on).
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.

    Totally agree,but this fella wasn't really in the talking mood and was aggressive from the very beginning. He really didn't like it when I told him I had 2 more sets to go. Normally I am the first to offer someone to let them work in, but I really didn't like his attitude.

    I have flat out told people you can have it when I'm done... usually they will say "okay take you're time" and I say- don't worry I will- I'm not rushing my lifts for you.

    And while I don't dawdle- I don't move any faster than I normally would.

    The solution is- see if he can work in- or not (I will only work in with people I know- and who are doing as similar lift)- like doing BB rows- while we are trying to squat- not going to work.

    Or put your head phones back in and do your best I SERIOUSLY DON"T CARE WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND I"M GOING TO CONTINUE TO WORKOUT attitude on- and then do just that- go back to working out.

    It's a little hard- because people like that are close- and trying to manipulate you with their attitude sometimes- but just keep doing your thing- you do not OWE them anything other than general civilness and gym politeness. You do not OWE them to move faster or clear the rack sooner.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    It's polite and proper gym etiquette to invite them to work in a set during your 1-2 minute rest period.

    Be clear up front how long your rest period is and ask if them to return the favor and finish their one set during that time.

    Totally agree,but this fella wasn't really in the talking mood and was aggressive from the very beginning. He really didn't like it when I told him I had 2 more sets to go. Normally I am the first to offer someone to let them work in, but I really didn't like his attitude.

    I have flat out told people you can have it when I'm done... usually they will say "okay take you're time" and I say- don't worry I will- I'm not rushing my lifts for you.

    And while I don't dawdle- I don't move any faster than I normally would.

    The solution is- see if he can work in- or not (I will only work in with people I know- and who are doing as similar lift)- like doing BB rows- while we are trying to squat- not going to work.

    Or put your head phones back in and do your best I SERIOUSLY DON"T CARE WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND I"M GOING TO CONTINUE TO WORKOUT attitude on- and then do just that- go back to working out.

    It's a little hard- because people like that are close- and trying to manipulate you with their attitude sometimes- but just keep doing your thing- you do not OWE them anything other than general civilness and gym politeness. You do not OWE them to move faster or clear the rack sooner.

    Totally agreed, that's how I feel about the matter and what I'll continue to do.
  • mrsdmiller74
    mrsdmiller74 Posts: 34 Member
    I never had that problem but I can imagine. I go to the gym at 5:00 in the morning so there is no one there except older people. I love it. The gym I go to is free the one I want to join which is planet fitness omg there are people every where so I could see that happening there. Good luck with the squat rack
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member

    Kettle squats.
    Put the curl bar (weighted) on your back and do lunges.
    DB jumping squats.

    You're fine. Get to the gym earlier next time. Or you know, squat outside the rack.

    Not always feasible, especially if you need fresh legs for heavy sets. Also the safety bars are necessary when doing squats, especially heavies - ergo, you need to squat in the rack. You don't need the safety bars for curling.