Has anyone else STOPPED running?



  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    I stop running every summer because of the heat. I hit the weights and do other things. My min/mile is usually better once I get back to running. I actually ran 6 miles the other day and it felt like I didn't take any time off.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Judging running based upon doing laps around a track is like judging swimming by taking a bath.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    It took a lot for me to give myself permission to stop running, to know I would again "lose my mile" I'd worked so hard to acquire.

    What were you looking for from your running?

    You're burning at best 200-250 calories per session, and running on a track has to be absolute purgatory, nearly as bad as using a dreadmill or other gym machine.

    Seriously, if you don't enjoy it, don't do it. I know I'd loathe what you describe the experience as, I'd much rather get out and run in the forest; lose myself for a couple of hours, look at the deer and listen to the birds.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    "Has anyone else "stopped" running? Any opinions on my new substitute workout routine? I've just started it and am unsure if it will result in continued weight loss. It's a struggle to calculate calories worked off in the class as I don't have a HRM and am liking the switch to more HIIT options.?"

    Like many here i'm sure, i haven't read the whole thread. Just yours. Yes i've done lots of running for periods of a few months at a time and then stopped. and did not start any other exercise so i put the weight on.

    So this year when i started dieting on January 3 i decided i'm not going to bother with exercise. And i haven't and i've lost almost all the weight i want to lose. I"m nearly at 60kg for my 165 cm. I've only just bought a pedometer and was thinking about starting HIIT running but haven't quite got there yet. The pedometer is good. It has motivated me to get off my backside and do some jobs that really need doing around here. I've got about 1500 more steps before i hit 10000 today. That's nearly 7km.

    So weightloss is primarily diet.

    AT some point you might like to try the 5:2 fasting diet. Those of us who are doing it love it. If you do also 16:8, your get even more benefits such as less appetite and more natural ability to restrain. Check out the fast diet website for more info. Read the FAQ there. there's also a show you can watch on you tube about fasting by dr michael mosley.

    For more health benefits, eat more fibre too.
  • SwindonJogger
    SwindonJogger Posts: 325 Member
    Once I learned you burn the same amount of calories walking I stopped jogging. If you run 2 miles or walk 2 miles it works out to the same calories. It just takes a little longer. Don't risk injury.

    Wut? Is this a wind-up?
  • ghartleroad1
    ghartleroad1 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm the OP. Since I don't get notifications, thanks to everyone who replied. I was blown away! To clarify, my indoor track was 12 laps = 1 mile. I stopped going outside in the summer (too hot) and the pavement/blacktop was feeling too jarring on my knees. The winter is almost nearly as challenging/impossible (Indiana).

    So I stopped running a few weeks ago and am not sad about it. My schedule now is:
    Mon - Jillian Shred + a core workout from Fitness Blender
    Tues - Piloxing
    Wed - Pilates (my equivalent to most people's yoga or going to the spa)
    Thurs - (if I don't have a student workshop) Piloxing
    Fri - Bootcamp

    I take the weekends off and honestly need at least one work night off just to get chores done and time to relax my brain. I'll admit I like the classes because someone else is telling me what to do, which is a nice break from work, where I supervise and have to make a lot of decisions. I tried some other classes, like hula hoop (!), but this is what will work best for me. I'd add PiYo or Insanity, but they are at times that don't work in my schedule. I've tried Bootcamp on other days, but the 3 different instructors all teach it completely differently, which I do not understand.

    In a funny fate story, our Bootcamp class last Friday had us outside, where our "warm-up" (with no stretching!) ended up being a near 1.5 mile run (and another 1/2 mi at the end)! I found that pretty crazy as the majority of our class members never run. I did ok the first 1.5 mi because my competitive personality wanted to keep up with the lead pack of college girls. The final 1/2 mi was a whole other story; it took everything I had just to keep my feet moving. I knew if I started walking it would be all over. Unsurprisingly one of my knees is still slightly sore more than two days later.

    In looking at MFP since my OP two weeks ago, I've still dropped 2 lbs, which is exactly continuing my goal to lose 1 lb per week. And yes, I'm losing inches too. Thus, my fears with your help and this data have ended my worries. Burning calories is burning calories no matter the format! Thank you!