Open Diary, need (kind) advice!



  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I must echo what others have pointed out.... Be very consistent with tracking and invest in a food scale.
  • randomgyrl
    randomgyrl Posts: 111 Member
    Just to echo everyone else, consistency is key, track, weigh your food. Try to cut out the more processed foods. Low carb is fine but carbs are not your enemy, I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and try to eat low carb as well, this means cutting out white things, bread, pasta, potatoes, refined sugars, not fruits (that you can eat safely with your allergies) and healthy vegetables.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Is there a reason you're going low carb? Personally for me, I LOVE carbs so I could never give them up and I haven't had a problem losing.

    If you are set on going low carb, you still need to monitor your calories. A lot of people think going low carb is enough but if you are not eating at a defict, you will not lose. Make sure you weigh all your solids with a food scale and measure liquids.

    Your logging doen't look consistant either. You really can't tell if you should expect a loss if you are not consistantly logging EVERYTHING.

    I decided to go low carb because I love carbs too much! And the more I eat, I feel bloated. I know one of my big problems is not logging everyday, well usually weekends!I will attempt to work on that!!

    I wish I could eat more fruit, but I am deathly allergic to 90% of fresh fruit. Sad.
    In addition to what PPs said,
    If you're committed to eating low carb and that way of eating, you need to make sure you're getting your carbs from veggies at this point in your weight loss. Not that there is anything wrong with having a beer or two or three, even, I'm concerned that that will go towards your carb count, you get to 40g and not get your veggies in for the day.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    You are eating lots of processed foods. I would also drop the fast foods and high fat snack foods. The avacado and the eggs look good. Try less cheese and more lean meat (unprocessed), like skinless chicken breast and fish (baked or broiled, not fried, not breaded). Add some nuts (raw, unsalted) and more veggies, looks like you could use more fiber. Try to stick to or under your fat, carb and protein goals not just calories. Hope this helps. Good luck!

    If you're doing low carb, this is VERY wrong information. I won't even touch the processed foods comment....
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    Yes! Be consistent. Log everything! Even a single grape (yes, I saw the allergic to fruit, just giving an example of how small). Everything adds in somewhere. Calculate your lean body mass with a lean body mass theory, that number is the number of grams of protein you should be eating a day. At 50 or lower grams of carbs, there is a huge void that needs to be filled with fats. Fats are not the enemy. Get your body moving, up your protein and fats, eat good carbs, tons of veggies and eat CLEAN...and stored fat will melt off!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I would agree with the above commenters. You have too much processed food, especially salty foods like cheese and chips, which will make you retain water weight. One day you had 2 beers, which also causes bloating and water retention. You mentioned you were allergic to fresh fruits, but are you also allergic to fresh vegetables. Avocado was the only vegetable that I saw. You could fill up on salads topped with lean protein, feel full, and still be under your calorie goal.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Right now, the best thing you can do is get in the habit of logging. Don't worry about changing anything else, just practice logging everything, correctly, every day. Since you have a lot of incomplete days, you're not really sure what/how much you've been eating, so changing things right now is kind of a cr@pshoot. Give yourself two week or so to just focus on logging, then look back through your diary and see if you can identify one thing to work on. The act of logging itself can help you make choices that better fit your macros, without making it feel like you're on some crazy restrictive diet.

    Just a note, because I did peek through your diary: it's more accurate to log the individual components of your meals than the full item, so I would log 1 raw egg + the amount of butter or oil you used to cook it (rather than finding an entry for 1 fried egg). You have your goal set pretty low, so being as accurate as possible will help you maximize the amount of food that you actually get to eat.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Right now, the best thing you can do is get in the habit of logging. Don't worry about changing anything else, just practice logging everything, correctly, every day. Since you have a lot of incomplete days, you're not really sure what/how much you've been eating, so changing things right now is kind of a cr@pshoot. Give yourself two week or so to just focus on logging, then look back through your diary and see if you can identify one thing to work on. The act of logging itself can help you make choices that better fit your macros, without making it feel like you're on some crazy restrictive diet.

    Just a note, because I did peek through your diary: it's more accurate to log the individual components of your meals than the full item, so I would log 1 raw egg + the amount of butter or oil you used to cook it (rather than finding an entry for 1 fried egg). You have your goal set pretty low, so being as accurate as possible will help you maximize the amount of food that you actually get to eat.
    This. And here's some good info about logging accurately:
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    You are eating lots of processed foods. I would also drop the fast foods and high fat snack foods. The avacado and the eggs look good. Try less cheese and more lean meat (unprocessed), like skinless chicken breast and fish (baked or broiled, not fried, not breaded). Add some nuts (raw, unsalted) and more veggies, looks like you could use more fiber. Try to stick to or under your fat, carb and protein goals not just calories. Hope this helps. Good luck!

    If you're doing low carb, this is VERY wrong information. I won't even touch the processed foods comment....

    Oh really? Wrong information. Get specific. Don't confuse this person. There is no reason to eat lots of processed foods and junk food if you are on a low carb diet. Nor is there any reason to avoid healthy vegetables, lean proteins and nuts. Those cann all be part of a HEALTHY low carb diet.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Processed foods isn't the problem. There isn't a reason to avoid them. Weight loss comes from a deficit. Simple calories in vs calories out. You could lose weight just eating ice cream and tacos as long as you stayed within your deficit.
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    Eating at a deficit is clearly step one. Tracking everything, everyday is obviously advisable. But, mjean, if you are having difficultly losing weight I strongly suggest you rely more on whole foods and less on processed foods. My own experience is fresh foods fill you up more than processed junk and thereby help you lose weight. If low carb is your thing, make sure your diary settings reflect that, and stick with your daily allowance.