committed runner, never done weights ... help!

Hi all

I've always been a cardio gal, so I run about 5-6 times per week and biking is my way to get around. I'm happy with my weight loss but I've noticed my upper body is just soft and some loose skin. Word on the street is that toning and weights is the magic pill for this, but I've always been shy of those. Anyone got points or a really good program they've used? (Especially tips to make me not look like I don't know what I'm doing at the gym would be great)

Much appreciated.


  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    Well, I do my weights at home. I love for toning and strength training. Actually, all their videos are awesome, but since I started training for a half marathon this fall, I just use the site for strength and toning.
  • lh1990
    lh1990 Posts: 25 Member
    Well, I do my weights at home. I love for toning and strength training. Actually, all their videos are awesome, but since I started training for a half marathon this fall, I just use the site for strength and toning.

    Just took a peek ... errr errr it looks so good but any free options out there?
  • gelove84
    gelove84 Posts: 16 Member
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Every Fitness Blender video is free on YouTube. The only thing they charge for is the pdf of a 4- or 8-week program already set up for you. If you use the search function on their website you can find all kinds of strength videos and access them for free, right away.

    I'll let the hardcore heavy lifting people advise you on those, I only do bodyweight strength. There are lots of books out there with great progressive bodyweight programs, but I just switched from Body By You, a program focused on women's strength, to You Are Your Own Gym, a more non-gender based approach. Both are by Mark Lauren. But like I said there are lots of good ones out there, I just can't recommend because I don't have first hand experience with them.
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    Their workouts are free. Only their workout plans cost money. You just go in, search the strength and toning workouts you want, and choose. It's free. :)
  • shirleygirl1013
    shirleygirl1013 Posts: 55 Member
    I run as well too and weight train 4 times a week. I attribute the weight training to the toned shape of my upper and lower body. I attribute the running to helping me keep my weight down and enduarance. It all works together. I dont believe that one can do one without the other. I reccomend doing a three day full body workout to start out with. And also even though you are a runner do not ignore your legs. It is amazing how your legs would look with some squats and glute work in addition to the running. Good luck.
  • lh1990
    lh1990 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone :) much appreciated. Definitely will check out all these resources.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Some additional bodyweight resources are
    Strength unbound
    Convict conditioning
  • chickeyumass
    chickeyumass Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I work with weights at gym three times per week.
    Monday: chest, shoulders
    Wednesday: legs, abs
    Friday: back, biceps, triceps

    Do an online search and find three exercises for each body party. Do three sets each part of twelve reps.

    I was lucky to find a workout buddy who knew everything and showed me the machines and mixes up the exercises each week. :)