Insanity Program 60 days- Beginners and experts

Hello! I'm in my first day! I would like to know who else is starting with this program?

If you don't know what is, here you can find all the videos online:


  • Day 2 for the hundredth time now :-) I made it to recovery week once but never to month 2. That changes this time around :-)
  • soyosoy
    soyosoy Posts: 16 Member
    Lol When I wrote this I was beginning to make the TEST. But I didn't sleep more than 3 hours. and I ate yogurt with cookies. Then I was terriblee weak after doing the third excersise. I'm considering to try first T25. Then start insanity. But I will rethink these the next days ;) Maybe I will be eat and sleep better and try again
  • Hi, Im new and exticed about getting fit, I work out my big problem is smoking I have quit now for about 4 months but I am smoking electronic cigs. I feel like a non smoker although I know Im putting nicotin in my body. There is no question Im healthier and on my way. I ve lost 15 pounds and havent felt so good since high school woohoo