Good Mood vs Bad Mood - When do you go for food?

I have been thinking about this for a few months. Trying to find my pattern, and I think I have. I got my workout in this morning and had to run to the store to pick up a card right after. I ate half a Quest bar on my way there, but felt like I was in a really good post-workout mood. The thing that is weird to me, I tend to want to eat "fun" stuff when I feel good. My friend says I'm weird because women will typically eat 'crap food' when they are bummed out. When I am having a day that is not so great, I tend to eat less because I'm just not up for it. I'm pretty good overall about limiting my 'mood' eating - but really can't help but notice that it runs pretty consistently that I want to eat 'fun' stuff when I'm happy. I thought it was interesting and wondering if anyone else feels that way as well.

My 'go-to' happy foods tend to be pizza or cake. I haven't had either today....but it is on my mind! Now the real test begins....will I have it or won't I? :laugh: