No gym...



  • purplespeckle
    I have no access to a gym. I've been doing this new lifestyle since Dec 4th. I'm extremely overweight and out of shape. I need exercise video ideas. I have the 30 day shred. And the biggest loser workout. I have p90x copied from a friend. And I think zumba. Also have netflix. I am clueless. I need shorter workouts as I'm a single mom of three. And ones that work but don't kill me. Lol! Ideas?

    you should use your zumba dvd! or just alternate between the ones you have! i bought 30 day shred a while back and *finally* done it yesterday but omg i only lasted like 15 minutes. it was tough. but i'm sure if you stick with it it should get easier. zumba looks like so much fun though!!!
  • purplespeckle
    I'm new too the boards and hate to jump in with advice but my daughter had lost a home. Her strength training WAS her son. He is now 18mos...and she lifts him up in the air and back down to the floor... he thinks it's a great game. She also lies down in the floor, puts her sock feet on his tummy and lifts with her legs....he thinks it's all playtime and she has developed some great muscle tone.

    that's wonderful!!!
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't do the gym either, but walk with the kids and dogs and just recently got Zumba for my Wii, the kids got Just Dance, these are all great. I agree with the others just do what you have time for - also, I just let my kids dance around me while I'm dancing to the workout. They think it's fun and like to think they are helping me as well!
  • sbwildman
    Doing the Zumba DVDs sounds like a good idea for your "beginning" workouts. I've been exercising for awhile and Jillian Michaels can STILL discourage me! But like a previous poster said, the circuit format makes it easier to do a little at a time. Just keep with it! Before too long, you'll be surprising yourself with what you can do!
  • CarolHudson11
    I don't have any exercise DVD's and can't see myself spending the money on them - I'm a single mom on a very fixed income. I walk my 2 dogs (three times a day) as fast as they want to walk. Okay, they walk me, but keeping up with them is exercise! Haha! And I've taken to running the stairs. I live in an apartment complex, so there are stairs everywhere. I also have stairs in my townhome that I will run if it's cold or rainy. They are carpeted and tend to be a bit slippery if I'm not careful, so I'd rather run the ones outside. You just have to move more today than you did yesterday, and so on. But, I have to say those Zumba DVDs sound like they are SO much fun! If you have that, I'd definitely do it! :smile:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    All I can do are workouts at home. I am also a single mom. I use workout dvds and my stationary bike. Kinda worried though since I don't do any strength training programs. Wondering if I can just do the walking, biking and still get slim and look fit. Do I have to do the harder high impact stuff, or yoga/pilates, or weights eventually? That stuff is not stuff I enjoy.

    You can start doing strength training with cans of food--the 14-16 ounce ones weigh about a pound, you can fill bottles with water, at one point I had old socks filled with equal amounts of dead 'd' cell batteries! (Don't laugh! Broke is broke!)

    Resistance bands don't cost much (and are free at health fair type events!) and I have been able to find weights at yard sales, too.

    You can also use your own body weight--that's how push-ups, etc. work!