Upping the ante on exercise - how to do it safely/wisely?

Hi! So I've been doing a 3-days per week spinning regimen (with some running and circuit training here and there) since August with great result. (Lots of compliments this Christmas!) But I want to up the intensity of the exercise this coming January, as I want to be as fit as possible by April (for my trip).

My question is how do I increase my exercise without overtraining and injuring myself? I'm thinking of doing spin classes Mon-Tues-Wed; rest on Thurs-Fri; spin on Sat and power yoga on Sun. I can't really run anymore as my knee injury is still bothering me (hence the spinning). Is this a viable schedule? Is there such a thing as too much spinning (a trainer at the gym told me that you can't spin for more than 4 days a week)?

Also, I'm within 4 lbs. of my ideal weight (high-end of it though) and so I'm not really looking to lose a lot of weight, just being really fit and toning my legs, arms, etc. more.

Any advice would be awesome. Thanks!


  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    Well, I'd say just increase it gradually. Maybe add ten more minutes to your workout, or add another day.

    (I don't do that...as soon as I got off school for winter break, I started spending hours at the YMCA every day. That's because I have poor judgement.)

    Great job on everything you've done so far, and good luck!
  • BoresEasily
    If your goal is to just look better you should look into adding in strength training. Heavy weights, not light weights. You won't bulk up, you'll just increase your strength and tone up your body even more. Check out the book "New Rules of Lifting For Women" it will tell you everything you need to know.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I agree that adding strength training is the next step for you. It'll help keep your metabolism going longer than a cardio workout alone and will tone your muscles without adding bulk.
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    My only issue with that is you're then doing 5 days on, 2 days off. Could you possibly do MTW Spin, Th off, Fri circut train, Sat Circut Train, Sun off? That way your on for 3, off one, on for two, off one. And I agree you need to add strength training in there.

    Start by adding one day in, do that for a few weeks, then add the next day. Listen to your body. If you're tired or sick, take it easy. If something starts to hurt, take it easy.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Echo weight training, too. You'd be amazed at the results. And congrats for being so close to your ideal weight!! :glasses:
  • dizzle2209
    Thanks for the responses! Yes, I've been lagging on the strength training part for sure (and my arms can attest to that...blergh!)

    One last question though - what qualifies as strength training? Power Yoga? 30 Day Shred? Is there an alternative to strength training with machines?
  • BoresEasily
    The book I mentioned involves free weights I believe. The book describes what to do and how to do it and gives detailed descriptions.

    "New Rules of Lifting For Women"
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Anything where you are moving weight qualifies as weight training. Push ups, lunges, free weights, band exercises, medicine balls, machines, etc etc. I would probably say power yoga could be weight training. If your muscles are sore, and you work them to fatigue (not cardiovascular fatigue) you are on the right track.