Are you a runner or a racer?

leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
Are you a runner or a racer? Just clicked with me there is definitely a difference.

I am a runner. I love the changing colors of the skies, the striking of my feet or shoes on the ground, the serenity of moving along the beach, the rowdiness of jamming out with my feet to AC/DC, the happiness that comes with a sense of accomplishment because my clothes are soaked, and the confidence I feel knowing I have a place to let go my frustrations. I don't care how fast I go. e.g. I go on forever runs sometimes that are 12 minute miles and I don't care because it was two hours of me being completely and totally happy.

I am not a racer. Been coaching XC HS girls for a month (I've coached before but it's been a while) and running with them. I now remember exactly why I do not like Fartleks, Indian Runs, speed drills, and tempo runs. My thighs hurt, my lungs hurt, and I threw up today (can't remember the last time I threw up during a run when I wasn't sick). Since the girls want to improve and are improving at a rapid pace I'm not quitting (our deal is they have to keep up with me), but uh, after this season I don't think I'm volunteering for this again!

So speaks the runner, not the racer :laugh:
