Need support & tips to get back on track

After being on my diet for a yr. I took some time off, now I have good weeks and bad weeks. I have lost and gain the same 3-4 lbs for over 3 months. I'll do good for a few days then the "hungries" get me and I feel like I'm eating everything in sight. I had been on MFP for support but left because I felt ashamed by my lack of will power. I'm back cause I need to get myself on track again.


  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    Been there done that. I have been on here almost 30 days (tomorrow will mark the 30 day) and I have logged every single thing that has entered my mouth even if I go way over. I have found that if I log and can see how much I went over I tend to do better the next meal or the next day. It was hard as ever getting started for me but I have always been told it takes 21 days to make something a habit. Well, logging is now a habit. :) I also vent on my personal page if I feel frustrated and I always have at least a handful of people who are cheering me on and offering words of encouragement. I love mfp! This is the only way I have been successful losing weight and keeping it off. Feel free to add me if you want! This is the second time I have been on here. The first time was Jan. 2012 when I started my first journey. Then I got pregnant and fell off the wagon.
  • Nice to see I'm not the only one out there. Sent a friend request so we can support each other. :)
  • nelli45
    nelli45 Posts: 7 Member
    I have done the same thing...I lost weight and have kept it off. Back and forth with the same 5 pounds for a year!! Finally, I decided to go another route (WW) for the accountability!! Now here I am again back on MFP because I'm not sure I made the right decision. Talk about indecisive! All I can say is keep going! Time will pass if I would just take my own advice. =)