Losing Weight For A Career Change

I was wondering if anyone else is dropping considerable weight (more than 50 lbs) to make a career change.

I'm about halfway to my goal (-118 lbs) in order to pass the Physical Abilities Test in order to become a police officer. It's a huge step away from what I'm currently doing now (I have a desk job as an editor) and I was curious to see if anyone else was in the same boat, going from a very non-active job, to a physically demanding one.

Are you losing weight to change, or further your career? Have you noticed that substantial weight loss has improved your professional career? What are some tips/tricks you've learned to staying active at a desk job?

Rock on MFPers!


  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I've always struggled with my weight as an adult and tried "dieting" but one motiviating factor was realizing I wanted to be a police officer. I was never thinking about it, but realized it was an option I wanted to persue. I wouldn't say I only did it for that reason, but it was a great way to prove to myself I could do it. I lost 90 pounds. I decided not to become an officer but I do work in that field. I think proving to yourself that you can do the physical agility test is an accomplishment. It also showed my co workers that I was motivated and serious (I interned for the department at the time...look into that option, some pay, some don't. You might be able to work your regular job and the internship on nights/weekends)

    I would look into what your area departments do for the physical agility test. Some do the situps/mile and a half run/pushups/and/or wall sit, whereas others do more of a course, outside or inside. See where you're at now, and test yourself every now and then. I know at the tech schools in my area there is a class for physical fitness students have to take.