Weight training

I am working out and trying to be lean at the end of all this, I am with in 25 lbs of my goal and want any educated advice anyone has on their thought/experience with weight training. With the thought of a lean look and not bulk.

Thanks ladies!!!


  • jschroeder85
    jschroeder85 Posts: 1 Member
    I am doing weight traning myself. A good sorce of infomation I found to be useful is off this website http://www.bodybuilding.com. It has alot of good information on weight traing. The best part you don't have to creat a account or anything like that. I've been using it myself. I found it to have alot of great rersorces and information on getting fit.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    My educated advice about weight training is to do it. And never ever suggest that it might make you "bulk up." Women don't come equipped with the right body chemistry to bulk like men.

    Lift heavy. Lift often. Just lift.
  • sdubose0113
    Thanks I will check it out :)