Need some online support

Hello everyone,
I'm just starting to get serious again about my weight loss. I recently ran into an elderly church member whom I hadn't seen in a while at my dad's funeral and she said to me "wow, I didn't know skin could stretch that far." Needless to say I was crushed. The last time I saw this woman was about 12 years ago when I was a college track and field standout. Now I'm 173 lbs and ready to get some of this weight off.

In the past I would have told anyone who would listen that I was working out. Now I just want to shut up and put up if that makes any sense. It would still be nice though to have some support during my journey. Someone to bounce ideas off of and get other ideas from. I've lurked these forums for a long time and think this place is perfect.


  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    Hi, I am so sorry about your loss.

    I am also shocked that anyone would say such a thing to you, at a funeral no less, and when you are only 173 lbs. Terrible in any case though.

    I am happy to friend you here if you would like. I am super motivated and have lost ten in the past month. We are around the same weight now - maybe we can help one another!
  • Staceyo1991

    So sorry to hear about your dad. That woman was out of order and especially at a funeral, you don't say that! Makes me angry when people do that. It is very disrespectful.

    I give anything to be 173lbs because I am around 200lbs :D
    When I checked I was around 212 pounds, this was in July though and I haven't checked since.
    I have been doing Hip Hop Abs and many people have already noticed that I have lost weight but I don't see it lol
    I have already taken up Green Tea with Lemon, 3 times a day also I eat normally but have water and fruit that's all that's different from my diet :D

    My motivation has gone up since I started Hip Hop Abs, more energy too and plus you sweat a lot, which I do not mind and I think Shaun T is so funny LOL :D

    If you want to, add me. Anyone can! :D
  • summerhaze71
    summerhaze71 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like!!
  • Rachelwin65
    Rachelwin65 Posts: 55 Member
    I will be your friend! I have quite a bit more weight to lose than you do, but we can keep each other company on this journey.

    I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers that God will bring you peace during this time....