significant weight gain

I work out everyday except sundays and also currently cycle to the gym and back on the days I dont run which is about 3 miles or so..absolutley love it ! my week involves 2 circuit classes, 2 core classes, 1 metafit/kettlebell class,
3 x outdoor runs totalling about 20miles, x 3 spinning classes and some crosstrainer the days I dont spin.
I was doing weights also about three times a week and spinning everyday but have started to cut this down as all of a sudden I seem to have expanded hugely round the bum and legs!!! arghhhh!!
i eat clean and usually eat about 1500 cals a day or there abouts on a saturday and sundayit is my free day food wise (although compared to most people isnt that free lol)

Since last september I have gone from about a size 6 (55kg) to a 10 (god knows now as darent weigh myself :( )
After spending the last couple of years working hard to lose weight i had gained I am feeling really depressed again about my body and would really like to get back to a size 8 and at the moment I just feel like mrs thunder thighs!!
Definatly couldnt imagine not going to the gym so thats not an option.
My diary is open to view so maybe someone sees something I dont.

Can anyone give me any advice please..where am i going wrong????