Did you change things up for the last 50lbs?

I'm curious if anyone has had issues dropping the last 50lbs after a large weight loss?

Nov 2013 I started my weightloss journey. As of now, I have lost 107lbs, but still have 50 more to go. I eat healthy the majority of the time - live by the 80/20 rule. I eat 5 times a day - most of my calories are consumed for breakfast. Two of my meals are snacks which I will have fruits, veggies, but my biggest challenge is chocolate. I meal prep breakfast and lunch. Dinner I tend to have something light like a piece of tuna/salmon and a veggie or if I'm not that hungry, I'll have some nuts. I've never tried to meal prep fish, but that's a whole other question. I go to the gym at least 5-6 times a week, I see a trainer 2-3 times a week. When I see my trainer, I will do some cardio to warm up 30 mins to an hour before I see him. On my own, I do lean towards cardio, with my trainer, it's mostly strength training. He switches the exercises up every session. This week, I started going to the gym in the evening again, so I'm adding another 30-45 mins of working out.

I am losing inches, but the scale hasn't moved in over a month. I'm not complaining, but just curious if others had this happen to them too, and if so, what did you do to get the scale moving again?