Cycling - Suggestions needed

I am thinking about purchasing a bicycle but I am having trouble deciding on which brand would work best.

I am currently at 273 lbs (down over 50 so far due to unofficially doing Weight Watchers and then finding MFP last year). I am also 5'8" tall and in the past I found it hard to find a bike where I didn't feel my knees were in my chin...but it's been 15 years since I owned one.

Any suggestions on a bike brand that won't break the bank too much and also some successes with cycling over walking/jogging? I currently walk 2-3 times a week anywhere from 2-3 miles and hit the gym when I can't walk on those days.


  • burnsgene42
    burnsgene42 Posts: 102 Member
    I saw a Ladies Trek Dutch Hybrid online for about $269.00.Free Shipping at "" Looks like a good strong plain simple bike ( what else would the "Dutch' ride ?:wink: )which would do someone starting out.
    My wife and I use Treks of a different model and they hold up to off road trail rides pretty good. No problems at all after 2.5 years.
    Look it up online and maybe go to your local Trek dealer and talk to him. I ride a road bike when I ride alone. Either way you can burn up a lot of calories on a bike without the pounding and stress you get jogging or running.
    AFAIK You can set the seat up as high as you would want to , so you shouldn't have a knee/chin problem.
    I have seen some good bike deals on Craigslist .
    Good luck with your biking.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    A good bike shop will get you a frame that fits your height. That is key. Also you need good bike shorts that are padded because a bicycle seat can become very uncomfortable. That being said, I ride a recumbent trike, which is very easy on the bottom and it leans back so it's easy on the back as well. Mine has under seat steering so my arms are at a comfortable position down at my sides and I have a seat bag to carry extra tools, water, etc. I highly recommend it for the comfort and it's a very good workout. I ride a Sun and it has a shock absorber on the frame to help with the bumps in the road. I usually will go to a trail that is a "rails to trails". I feel very safe and out of the way of cars there and it's also very shady and cool (plus since it was a train track there are no grades steeper than 3%). My recumbent starts around $1600 new but I found one on craigslist for $675. My husband has had several back surgeries so he has ridden a recumbent for years and swears by them. He has a two wheel- long wheel base and found it on craigslist for $500. Remember to get the right fit and if you're going a traditional bike- get bike shorts and a comfortable seat (my regular road bike has a larger seat because I have a larger seat lol). One last thing- I would recommend getting cleats and pedals that you can clip into. These give you the capability to spin your legs and pull back on the pedals instead of always pushing. You can easily twist the cleats out of the pedal when you come to a stop. I like riding with these because my feet don't come off the pedals and I can pull back as well as push. And of course with a trike I don't have to worry about putting my foot down at a stop sign. Good luck and happy trails!
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Should be no problem finding a bike to fit you. A hybrid is probably a sound option assuming you will mostly be riding on the road or packed/gravel trails. Bikes come in all different frame sizes, just make sure you go to a shop that will actually fit you properly to a frame rather than try to make an existing bike in stock fit you!!

    Most people ride with their seat too low and this can lead to knee problems over time.

    I primarily ride as my form of exercise and have lost 117 lbs so far. I do a fair bit of walking and some running too but 90+% is riding. It's fun and great exercise.

    Congrats on your weight loss so far, hope riding can take you to where you want to go :smile:
  • roswald78
    roswald78 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Everyone for your input! I appreciate it :)